03 January 2014, 08:13
Austin HunterInterarms Mauser Magazine Extender
I have a 458 Win Mag made by Whitworth and was wondering if someone made a deeper magazine bottom so I could get 4 down.
I know there are after market bottom metal available, but would something that I could simply do a swap without having to inlet or change the wood any.
03 January 2014, 18:11
farbedoI think your only option is to replace the floorplate on your bottom metal with a coffin style. A good machinist/gunsmith could fabricate one for you and use your current one for basic dimensions. Could be a bit spendy.
KStott made one for a Ruger M77 on a thread here last year. Here is the link to that project (if I linked it correctly).
http://forums.accuratereloadin...031018851#403101885103 January 2014, 19:47
Lord FrithAustin,
Check with Duane Wiebe. I bet he has just what you need.
Luck, Stephen
04 January 2014, 04:01
Austin HunterFarbedo - yes, that's the conclusion I came to as well. I have someone overseas that can make one free of charge. Will try that route.
Lord Firth - unfortunately the ones that Duane has only fit his bottom metals.