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Interarms Mauser Magazine Extender

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03 January 2014, 08:13
Austin Hunter
Interarms Mauser Magazine Extender
I have a 458 Win Mag made by Whitworth and was wondering if someone made a deeper magazine bottom so I could get 4 down.

I know there are after market bottom metal available, but would something that I could simply do a swap without having to inlet or change the wood any.

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03 January 2014, 18:11
I think your only option is to replace the floorplate on your bottom metal with a coffin style. A good machinist/gunsmith could fabricate one for you and use your current one for basic dimensions. Could be a bit spendy.

KStott made one for a Ruger M77 on a thread here last year. Here is the link to that project (if I linked it correctly).

03 January 2014, 19:47
Lord Frith

Check with Duane Wiebe. I bet he has just what you need.

Luck, Stephen
04 January 2014, 04:01
Austin Hunter
Farbedo - yes, that's the conclusion I came to as well. I have someone overseas that can make one free of charge. Will try that route.

Lord Firth - unfortunately the ones that Duane has only fit his bottom metals.


"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" -- Ronald Reagan

"Ignorance of The People gives strength to totalitarians."

Want to make just about anything work better? Keep the government as far away from it as possible, then step back and behold the wonderment and goodness.