The Accurate Reloading Forums
What distance for hunting? (Or how much wind?)

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18 November 2024, 05:22
Michael Michalski
What distance for hunting? (Or how much wind?)
Technology and conditions are not good enough. Let us remember that it is a human being behind the rifle, with all the usual human weaknesses and vulnerabilities as well as ego, that has the ultimate responsibility. Can the hunter put the bullet in the lethal area every time under every condition? I think that defines ethical behavior.

NRA Benefactor Member
US Navy Veteran
02 January 2025, 22:23
Eric Cortina has been putting out some great videos he calls the "ethical hunter challenge".

They have to hit an moa vital target @ 500 yds. Most of the rigs seem to be pretty advanced, but not all. Its surprising how many miss at that distance, some fail pretty bad. And this is with bipods in the prone position. Not exactly typical hunting conditions. Its pretty telling.

The only Communist Idea that Liberals don't like.
04 January 2025, 15:20
p dog shooter
Technology and conditions are not good enough.

I had this talk with a 24yoa man the other day.

He been bitten by the long range bug. I told him he better take of reloading as he can't afford enough factory ammo to get good.

He is shooting a 300PRC factory is 3 to 5 plus dollars a round.

I told him equipment and Technology will only get him so far.

I told him a thousand plus rounds shot in good dedicated practice is a good start.

You could see him doing the math in his head.

I told him you will spend far more on ammo then the rifle if you want to acquire the skills necessary.

We will see where it leads.
05 January 2025, 09:09
Originally posted by Wstrnhuntr:
Eric Cortina has been putting out some great videos he calls the "ethical hunter challenge".

They have to hit an moa vital target @ 500 yds. Most of the rigs seem to be pretty advanced, but not all. Its surprising how many miss at that distance, some fail pretty bad. And this is with bipods in the prone position. Not exactly typical hunting conditions. Its pretty telling.

Interesting. I saw a Thomas Haugland on YouTube as THLR.NO. Discuss his 500 meter cold bore test. He discussed it with Aaron Davidson on Long Range Pursuit podcast a couple years ago. Looks the same except 1 minute time limit.