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snaring fox and coyote

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07 December 2008, 05:40
snaring fox and coyote
I want to set some snares this winter for fox and or coyote. Anyone have any experience with this? I've snared beaver before, but I think beaver much easier than a fox or coyote.
08 December 2008, 09:58
If you are in NOrthern Minnesota where it snows a considerable amount, probably the best way to snare predators is by using the trails that the predators have already made.

Take a drive along the back roads of your area and watch for tracks crossing the road. when you find a set of fresh coyote or fox tracks, get out and set a snare on the side that the animal came from.

Walk in the woods about 50 feet, but stay away from their trail a bit and approach their trial when you get back in the woods. Appoach their trail in a spot where they are walking through brush or between a couple of trees. carefully walk up to the track, secure your snare on the brush or trees, and place the loop directly over the tracks. then step back a few steps and get some snow and fill in your tracks that are right next to the animals tracks. take some sort of brush (I used a coyote tail on a stick but a dusting brush works too) and smooth out your tracks so that the animal won't think you have been there.

When you get back to the road leave a piece of tape or some sort of marker on a tree to let you know where your set it so that if it snows hard you won't loose your snares.

Check every few days, but be patient and leave the snare at least a couple of weeks.

Good luck.