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Initiative 167

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26 May 2014, 22:11
Initiative 167
Montana trapping ban on public land may appear on 11/4/14 ballot. Trap Free Montana Public Lands & Footloose Montana are trying to get enough signatures to make this a ballot item. This would also exclude trapping on public land leased to private parties. Please call or write your legislators to voice your opinion on this outrageous proposal. Most of the private land where I live is already being trapped by others, so this only leaves public land for me to use. License revenues are approximately $65,000 from trapping licenses. I hope Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks will grow a set of balls and defend the trapping on public lands. iv' been a trapper for almost 20years and have never had my dog caught in a trap. Once again people who do not contribute to the kitty are trying to dictate politics. Most of the state land and BLM land was bought using sportsman's dollars. I would like to see what Footloose Montana and Trap Free Montana Public lands has contributed.
01 June 2014, 11:26
Originally posted by twilli:
Montana trapping ban on public land may appear on 11/4/14 ballot. Trap Free Montana Public Lands & Footloose Montana are trying to get enough signatures to make this a ballot item. This would also exclude trapping on public land leased to private parties. Please call or write your legislators to voice your opinion on this outrageous proposal. Most of the private land where I live is already being trapped by others, so this only leaves public land for me to use. License revenues are approximately $65,000 from trapping licenses. I hope Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks will grow a set of balls and defend the trapping on public lands. iv' been a trapper for almost 20years and have never had my dog caught in a trap. Once again people who do not contribute to the kitty are trying to dictate politics. Most of the state land and BLM land was bought using sportsman's dollars. I would like to see what Footloose Montana and Trap Free Montana Public lands has contributed.


Montana?! I know that a lot of west coast liberals have moved in but I had no idea it was this bad!


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
05 June 2014, 23:51
You guys in Montana better take this seriously!

In the mid-90's we in Colorado lost our trapping season and the spring bear hunts, through the voting process.

I was somewhat involved in trying to prevent this, but my contact at the Colorado DOW told me we are going to lose. I asked him why he thought that, and he told me that less than 30% of the licensed hunters in Colorado are even registered to vote!

If you are not registered to vote, get registered, and get your buddies to register as well. Then VOTE.
10 September 2014, 09:17
initiative 167 did not get the required amount of signatures to get on the fall ballot in Montana.I figured in nut case Missoula they would get enough to make it and I was gladly wrong.
12 September 2014, 11:25
They'll be back next year, count on it!
Better start building up your support troops now.

"Gun Control is NOT about Guns'
"It's about Control!!"
Join the NRA today!"


George L. Dwight