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how is it possible?

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14 August 2011, 22:10
how is it possible?
i had a thread going on my private messages and suddenly the entire thing is gone. the first post was sent to me by someone else and when i started questioning his facts, the whole thing disappeared. can he delete my PM's from his end?

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
14 August 2011, 23:38
I believe if the originator of the PM deletes it, all of it goes away.


Some Pictures from Namibia

Some Pictures from Zimbabwe

An Elephant Story

15 August 2011, 01:42
Charles is correct.


15 August 2011, 02:10
thanks for the help guys. that's what i thought and explains the missing thread in my PM box( originator realized he had put his foot squarely in his mouth and did a fast backtrack, covering his tracks in the process). exact same thing happened about a year ago with the same poster, who claimed no knowledge of what occurred after his threatening emails disappeared.

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
15 August 2011, 09:28
If you put that douchebag on your ignore list, he cannot send you any PMs.


18 August 2011, 00:01
Had the same thing happen to me by a poster who was making some very bizarre threats. He deleted his post to cover his backside.
06 September 2011, 09:31
Idaho Sharpshooter
some people profess to dislike others, but cannot live without the interplay...
07 September 2011, 07:13
some people profess to dislike others, but cannot live without the interplay...

That is the most accurate and truthful statement I have ever seen made on the AR. All a person has to do is visit the ARPF on a regular basis and see how folks react to each other.

Even the rocks don't last forever.