The Accurate Reloading Forums
The Great Debate ...

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18 February 2014, 07:33
The Great Debate ...
... well, maybe not the great debate ...

... but at any rate I think that AR, being far-and-away the most enlightened hunting website in the world, should have a forum which invites the anti-hunting crowd to state their case, make their arguments, present their research and so on - all out in the open so that both sides might come to a better understanding of the underlying issues behind this divisive topic.
18 February 2014, 20:17
They don't want to understand us or why we hunt.

They feel that it is wrong, cruel, inhumane, barbaric, and so on.

Inviting them here will only increase the level of acrimony. If you want a glimpse into what it would be like, go post in the Political Forum (a cesspool of Biblical proportions).


19 February 2014, 05:15
Actually, they sent one of their own here a while back, I am sure with the intentions of "turning the tables" on us.

We found out that she was part of some nuts website called LIONAID.

Many of our members here went to lion website trying to correct the convoluted opinions being posted on their FB page.

All of them got banned, and their posts deleted.

I let her post whatever she wanted here, and just answered her with logic.

She gave u and left.
Instagram : ganyana2000
19 February 2014, 05:24
I think you guys are probably right but as the evidence mounts, I've seen a few former antis whose opinions have changed.

Probably more trouble than it's worth, I guess.
19 February 2014, 06:26
My feelings about the "Anti's" you have seen switch sides, were never really anti's in the first place. They were/are sheep traveling which ever direction the wind is blowing.

To me those people are more dangerous than true Anti's simply because they are too easily influenced on such issues. They will side in with whatever group brings them more popularity.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

22 February 2014, 22:11
I agree. Once you are against hunting, you are it and over the time you become more radical.

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

Man should be happy and in good humor until the day he dies...
Only fools hope to live forever
“ Hávamál”