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Re: DIY Moose and Caribou

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08 October 2004, 04:45
Re: DIY Moose and Caribou
I've been moose hunting before, just not in Alaska. I've packed out elk in the Mts. and Caribou in Canada. I'm just starting to plan my trip, so I'm not sure where I want to go exactly yet. That's the reason for my post here.

My wife shot a moose a couple of years ago in Wyoming which I guided her to. It was no more difficult than a big bull elk, but I realize Shiras moose are not near the size of Alaskan moose. Also, the regs that require bringing all the meat out makes it even more difficult.

Just looking for ideas on location, flying services, etc. I've done quite a bit of remote camping, and my son(33 years old) may accompany me.

John: Tentative schedule puts us in Alaska about the middle of August with my wife departing around Sept. 1. That's not written in stone yet.