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2 people killed in Katmai Park

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09 October 2003, 18:06
<Big Stick>
2 people killed in Katmai Park
I find his demise a humorous conclusion to the obvious.

Bears can,will and do...act like Bears..........
10 October 2003, 01:18
Originally posted by CK:
Originally posted by 8MM OR MORE:
I hope the State of Alaska closes the area to the granola crowd as well as hunting. The granola crowd will cost a lot in bear population if not controlled. JMHO.

Ain't gonna happen from the State..........This is all Federal Land.......The FED's protect the bears, but not people from "da bears". [Eek!] [Confused]
Yeah, I hear you on that one. Still, if protecting the bears was the agenda, keeping out the granola gang would be a step in the right direction. These two people caused the death of the resource (the bears) that they (the government) were trying to protect. They caused their own deaths by their actions. These people needed to be protected from themselves, not the bears, although it would appear the bears needed to be protected from the people, doesn't it?
10 October 2003, 04:44
Paul H
Originally posted by Big Stick:
I find his demise a humorous conclusion to the obvious.

Bears can,will and do...act like Bears..........


I've been thinking just the same thing myself. No suprise that bears will act like bears. This bozo's problem was he didn't know how to act like a human.
10 October 2003, 07:25
On 650AM (radio) this morning, Rick Rydell read from T. Treadwell's book about the change (in Treadwells life) that took place when he witnessed some older kids launching frogs into the air and the subsequent landing. Timothy apparently could not stop them until he obtained a wooden plank to beat these guys away from their activity; after he ran the "older, tougher kids" away, he states that this incident was the birth of an "eco-warrior" in reference to himself. Rick (right on!!) mentions that Timothy has many references to drugs in his book (you can read excerpts on, possibly this guys drug use in his younger years eliminated certain necessary brain cells related to rational thought processes........ The tape recording was mentioned on the radio program, maybe this incident of four deaths (two humans, two bears) will wake up folks to the real world. Also, you can look at for more info - KMule
10 October 2003, 07:38
I've heard that they have an audio tape of the attack complete with his girl-friend telling him to play dead. I don't know that I'd want to hear it.
10 October 2003, 14:11
George Semel
Well I spent a lot of time in Wrangell St Elias on various flying jobs. I allways had a 338 or 375 with me all the time. Nobody said a word. Oh, its the Law you have to have a proper firearm on board your aircraft. As for that guy, a doper, he didn't count for anything in my book, no great lose. He would have sold his sole for one. Guys like that are just all mouth till the going gets tough. He killed that girl just as sure as if he put a bullet in her brain. They all know it, but they will never say so.
10 October 2003, 14:32
Just heard another report on the radio today, that older of the two bears that was killed was.............Now get this.............28 years old!!!.............That same bear had been caught, tattoo and had a tooth removed in 1990 after Exon Valdez mess, and relocated to the Katmai Park, and he was 16 years old then.

[ 10-11-2003, 00:16: Message edited by: CK ]
10 October 2003, 14:49
This scumbag was dangerous. He is directly responsible for the woman,s and the bears death, and God only knows how many other copycats
he influenced. There,s a few more of the same ilk, that make their living harassing and abusing wildlife, that hopefully will meet a like fate, before they influence more copy cat idiots to suicidal behavior. Jeff corwin, the crocodile hunter jerk and the scruffy blackbeard bare foot Aussie on TV. handling and abusing tiger snakes, cobras and kraits, and other animals by chasing them down and grabbing them by the necks like they do for a buck, is criminal in my opinion. the people who put them on TV are criminals also. Where are the Friends of the Animals and PETA on this issue? How many dumb impressionable kids have already been bit by rattlers or other snakes because of this influence? Can the Animal Planet be legally liable if some fool kid gets fatally bitten while grabbing a snake while playing "Crocodile Hunter"? They should be. Every time I see these assholes like the crochunter tackle some poor animal, grab it by the neck and hold it up saying " Isn,t he beautiful?" with the poor animal squirming in terror and pain, I want to go throw up. Walex
11 October 2003, 11:49
<Lars G>
11 October 2003, 16:18
Lars G,

Good one!!!!! OOPs! I forgot this is not suppose to be a funny subject..............But what the heck, the knuckle head dope boy pitches his camp almost on top of a well traveled and known bear trail between the lake and the stream.........The boy was touched. [Eek!] [Roll Eyes]
12 October 2003, 09:00
Originally posted by CK:.......The boy was touched. [Eek!] [Roll Eyes]
Evidently, touched many times. Sorry, forgot, no humour.
12 October 2003, 00:58
Allen Glore
I guess for a day or so he had first hand knowledge to the age old question, "does a bear shit in the woods"
12 October 2003, 02:19
Bob in TX
Allen...... [Big Grin] [Roll Eyes] [Big Grin]
13 October 2003, 12:26
Brother Dave
I don't know why everyone keeps saying Treadwell is responsible for the girl's death. Life is full of choices, she made hers just like he made his.

Adults are responsible for their own actions, period.
14 October 2003, 22:08
Originally posted by CK:
Just heard another report on the radio today, that older of the two bears that was killed was.............Now get this.............28 years old!!!.............That same bear had been caught, tattoo and had a tooth removed in 1990 after Exon Valdez mess, and relocated to the Katmai Park, and he was 16 years old then.

The old bear had bad teeth, which is frequently the case when large predators start eating humans. They can't get their habitual prey and work on something easier. It was Treadwell's bad luck to be in his way. How did the phrase from the movie go..."smart will only get you so far, and luck always runs out".
18 October 2003, 10:36
More from the news editorials:

[ 10-18-2003, 01:37: Message edited by: CK ]
18 October 2003, 10:57
Paul H
Originally posted by TomP:
The old bear had bad teeth, which is frequently the case when large predators start eating humans. They can't get their habitual prey and work on something easier. It was Treadwell's bad luck to be in his way. How did the phrase from the movie go..."smart will only get you so far, and luck always runs out".[/QB]

Bad luck???????

Perhaps an analogy is in order. If someone pitches their tent on I-5 and get's run over by a semi, is that bad luck? After all, the truck drivers eye's were tiread after a long haul, and it's typically tired truckers that run over people.

Plain and simple, Treadwell traded in his drug habbit for the high he got being so close to the bears. He finally od'd, or rather the bears were sick of his singing. There was no bad luck at all, just ardent stupidity that finally did him in.

The report I read from the Bioligist's inspection of the bear was, it was old but in very good shape. There was nothing to indicate the bear acted abnormally. If you play with fire, you get burned, if you play with bears, you get bit, clawed or consumed.
19 October 2003, 19:17
Upon returning from a peninsula bear hunt on October 7th, my partner and I heard from our pilot that 2 campers were attacked and killed by bears on Katmai the previous day. He told us that he hauled tourists all summer for bear viewing, but would not allow them to leave the plane in this particular area, due to brushy conditions and potential bear problems. When we landed his wife informed us who the victims were. Once I learned the name and circumstances, I recalled the Discovery channel program about this guy, and my first thought was that this was inevitable. I told my son when we watched it that this guy was a lunatic, and would not be alive for very long.

The irony of this is that Treadwell would have probably taken a bullet himself to save a bear, but now, not only are he and his girlfriend dead, but so are 2 of the bears.

I guess these 2 bears weren't "party animals" after all... They were just being bears. Anyone that feels sorry for this idiot really needs to watch his video first.

Personally, if I can't carry a rifle to a part of wilderness Alaska, then I really don't need to go there!
14 November 2003, 08:58
Here is a picture of someone who decided to feed themselves to a Grizz, it is probably the guy that this thread is about Note he has his running shoes on?  -  - web page

[ 11-14-2003, 00:03: Message edited by: raamw ]
14 November 2003, 13:06
Cold Zero
tough year for unarmed tourists and filmmakers. he who walks thru the valley of the bears takes his life in his hands.

cold zero
14 November 2003, 17:34
raamw ,

Where did that happen? Was it really a bear attack?
15 November 2003, 05:11
Check the other relared threads near this one. There is a modifier of sorts on that one. derf
15 November 2003, 07:20
This was reported to be a recent bear attack as anyone knows this stuff runs rampant over the web but how could you vertify this with any accuracy, looking at the type of underbrush it could be most anywhere since it is green. Just a good reminder that we are part of the food chain in some parts of the tread lighly and carry a big stick...I mean big bore handy

[ 11-14-2003, 22:22: Message edited by: raamw ]
18 November 2003, 08:12
Big Five
Hello Whitehead. I hunted big ol' Brown bears on Admiralty Island in the spring of '95. Were you by any chance a bear guide with S.E. Alaska Guide Service at that time?

If so, do you remember stalking and looking over several bears during the 10 day hunt and finally getting a big bruiser on the last day with me, Lee Branch?
18 November 2003, 10:31
Lee! Course I remember you and the hunt, and your nickname for me. [Wink]

Getting that nice bear at last light of the last day of the spring season after a 10 day hunt is still one of the true highlights of hunting for me. I bet we glassed every square inch of beach from Pt. Gardner to False Pt. Pybus.

Lee is one Californian who understands the value of a .375 H&H in bear country.
18 November 2003, 13:00
Big Five
I'll be darned, I thought that might be you. Small world indeed!

All I can say is, if anyone knows big bears you sure do. In all my years of hunting I've never had a more competent, knowledgeable and hard working guide than you.
19 November 2003, 06:24
Big Five
"Lee! Course I remember you and the hunt, and your nickname for me"
Brian, I knew if you responded to that nickname it would definitely be you!

[ 11-18-2003, 21:36: Message edited by: Big Five ]
19 November 2003, 08:34
Originally posted by Lawdog_Gary:
Arnold’s next stop will be the White House and you can’t argue that he has the best name recognition going for him. First came Sacramento, next will be Washington D.C.

Well, until the Constitution is changed -- and some people are now advocating that this be changed -- he is not eligible to be president because he is not "native born" as required by the Constitution. Personally, I favor keeping this provision in the Constitution. I don't think we are wanting for good candidates because of it, and I think it may prevent some bad apples from becoming candidates.
20 November 2003, 17:05
Gee, did they have to shoot the nice cuddly bears? BAD Rangers! After all, animals are people too.. [Roll Eyes]

This is the same mindset of the mental midgets who insisted on re-introduction of Wolves into Yellowstone. Goddam dimwits.. [Mad]
20 November 2003, 17:18
Paul H asks:

"Perhaps an analogy is in order. If someone pitches their tent on I-5 and get's run over by a semi, is that bad luck?"

Damned right it is. With all the vehicles that zoom along I-5, getting hit by a semi instead of a VW Jetta is bad luck [Wink]