The Accurate Reloading Forums

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07 June 2006, 21:05
Zero Drift
07 June 2006, 21:10
Originally posted by Zero Drift:
Just like the girly boys on the playground, you run and hide from the mainstream. But you guys deserve you own forum after taking such a beating for so long. Maybe here you guys can pat each other on the ass and pretend you are masters of the universe. I am sure we will see lots of polls and graphs indicating that one day you will return to power.


Wouldn't you know the first post on the forum would come from a bitter old man?


07 June 2006, 21:18
I thought this was for South-Paws.

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
07 June 2006, 21:23
Originally posted by poletax:
I thought this was for South-Paws.

It is.

Says so right in the forum description.

BUT, I guess Zero hates people who are left handed too. Must be tough going through life being so biased.

07 June 2006, 21:28
Who you trying to shit don I doubt any one gives a shit if some one is left handed I am and that trying to force some one to be right handed went out with the dinosaurs. Now left thinking liberal folks I guess you may need your own site so you all can piss and moan to your selves! CRYBABY

lib*er*al: `li-b(&-)r&l
Noun: a person so open minded their brains have fallen out
07 June 2006, 21:35
I shoot left handed but I fail to see the why and wherefore of a forum for left handed shooters. What's the big deal EH
Are we being singled out as a less than equal group?
07 June 2006, 21:42
Originally posted by Zero Drift:
Don, you might want to move the forum to the Shooting section if it is indeed for left handed shooters...

It was under guns. Maybe I should move politics.

BUT, for the ANAL amongst us, I've moved it to shooting. I'm sure Zero will understand it now since he's too lazy to read the description.

07 June 2006, 22:07
Originally posted by COOL:
I shoot left handed but I fail to see the why and wherefore of a forum for left handed shooters. What's the big deal EH
Are we being singled out as a less than equal group?

Go the forum suggestion area and look at all the requests for this. If you don't want to participate that's fine, no one forces you here. I'll pro-rate your yearly membership fee so you are not charged for this part of the site.

07 June 2006, 22:15
Originally posted by DRG:
Originally posted by COOL:
I shoot left handed but I fail to see the why and wherefore of a forum for left handed shooters. What's the big deal EH
Are we being singled out as a less than equal group?

Go the forum suggestion area and look at all the requests for this. If you don't want to participate that's fine, no one forces you here. I'll pro-rate your yearly membership fee so you are not charged for this part of the site.


stir Wink
07 June 2006, 23:25
Originally posted by Zero Drift:
Just like the girly boys on the playground, you run and hide from the mainstream. But you guys deserve you own forum after taking such a beating for so long. Maybe here you guys can pat each other on the ass and pretend you are masters of the universe. I am sure we will see lots of polls and graphs indicating that one day you will return to power.



You're waaaaay off. This forum is for lefthanders, not leftists.


07 June 2006, 23:37
Zero Drift
Noted. Thanks.
07 June 2006, 23:59
I'll pro-rate your yearly membership fee so you are not charged for this part of the site.

rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
08 June 2006, 00:03
Wouldn't you know the first post on the forum would come from a bitter old man?

Don, it may not be his fault, it could be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which leads to Intermittent Explosive Disorder

It can be moderated through intensive therapy and heavy doses of psychoactive medications.

Zero needs your help and understanding.

Perhaps a prayer offensive from the conservative brethren is called for here.
08 June 2006, 02:24
Originally posted by poletax:
I'll pro-rate your yearly membership fee so you are not charged for this part of the site.

rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo

Who said Don had no sense of humor EH

08 June 2006, 10:20
If I was left handed I'd be working on my curve ball, not rifles Smiler Seems like average pitchers throwing from the wrong side get paid a nice sum.

Always remember you're
unique, just like everyone else.

08 June 2006, 11:24
Glad to see a lefty forum for us exclusive types....... although perhaps we should allow some of the more select right handed people in -maybe some kind of a vetting process to keep the hoi polloi out! jumping

More seriously, a BIG thanks to Saeed & Don for making it possible...... cheers

08 June 2006, 17:33
While I am not left handed I shoot left handed because of an eye problem. This should be a good place to find out about LH options in the fire arms world
08 June 2006, 22:40
chromosone cowboy
I shoot left handed but I fail to see the why and wherefore of a forum for left handed shooters.

I totally disagree. I can think of a lot of reasons why a left handed category would be helpful.
Looking for a gun? The first thing we consider is "does it come in left hand". A right handed person pays not attention to the dexterity issues-they do not have to.
09 June 2006, 22:10
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
11 June 2006, 00:55
army aviator
Glad we have this section. It came become a central location for left-handed items. How often can one go into a regular gun store or pawn shop and find any left hand guns? I wish I had bought the used left hand Dakota 375 that was in Cabelas back in 2004 but I was waiting for my 376 Steyr to be shipped. With this site I could have informed all the left hand AR members about the gun
12 June 2006, 02:42
Norman Conquest
I would'nt worry too much about ZD's negative comments.Hell,I remember when I had my first beer.

Never mistake motion for action.