29 April 2010, 01:30
HugluTanzania information needed
Ladies & gentlemen!
My little sister is going on a 3 week volontary project concerning an orphanage close to Mafinga in Tanzania this June.
The only things I know at the moment is that the project place is situated at 2000 masl, which can make it a bit chilly (she is born north of the arctic circle so the cold will not bother her) but also hopefully malaria free.
Places mentioned in the project description is Kisada, Matanana, Matenene, Matenena (think these 3 are the same place?) which to me places it in the Iringa district a bit northwest of the Selous?
The orphanage is said to cater for children who have lost their parents in HIV/Aids and who come there to get a meal and some support.
The place is operated by a Dutch man and a Tanzanian woman with a staff of around 30 persons.
Thats about what I know for the moment.
She is also planning on staying 5 days on Zanzibar in the beginning of the trip at some youth hostel.
I will supply her with Malarone and my kiswahili books, and she will get the yellow fever vaccination.
Any and all information about the area and things two 20 year old student girls should think about is most welcome.
29 April 2010, 01:59
JTHuntHi Sir
I live in Dar and have several friends who farm in the Mafinga/Mufindi district. It is very lovely, cool and high country. Malaria will not be an issue there, but could be on her transit through Dar and on her way out to the highlands.
Please feel free to pm me and get in touch. I have several Swedish friends here in Dar as well who may be able to offer advice and a network. JT
Hello Sir!
Thanks for Your reply!
I am now back in "civilization" (meaning internet access...) after a few days on the road and in our parks and protected areas.
It is very helpful with some on the ground contacts! I will convey the message to my sister and see if she has received any extra information. I will pm You when I get some more information from her.