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Tickets to Zim a "Done Deal"!

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08 February 2009, 06:18
Tickets to Zim a "Done Deal"!
The wife and I will be leaving IAH July 29 and Arriving in Harare July 31st.

We are doing the Houston, Atlanta, Jo'Berg thing. This year Delta is flying the 777 so NO STOP IN DAKAR!

We will overnight at Afton House the 30th.

It is finally starting to seem real. I am really getting excited now!
08 February 2009, 07:28
Use Enough Gun
Congrats. Enjoy the anticipation!
13 February 2009, 09:47
Looks like we may be keeping each other company. The girls are working our reservations now, but connections for Idaho are messing up schedules. We are scheduled for Joberg/Afton House on the 30th also. Fly into Harare the 31st and immediately on into the Valley for our hunt with Chifuti.
14 February 2009, 00:05
Thunder Head
We will probably pass in the airport as my departure will be on July 30th.

I booked the new non-stop flight on delta also.

I have walked in the foot prints of the elephant, listened to lion roar and met the buffalo on his turf. I shall never be the same.
14 February 2009, 22:17
Blank-- I look forward to it. We might be on the same plane twice then. We are flying to Chirrisa out of Harare on the 31st, to hunt with HHK.

Thunderhead- it looks like you leave the day after us. I think that nonstop is gonna be a lot better than the Dakar stop.....that was awful.
14 February 2009, 23:19
waveWhat is the time difference between the non stop Delta & SAA flight thru Dakar?
16 February 2009, 06:34
Thunder Head
The non-stop flight is supposed to be 15.5 hrs.

I have walked in the foot prints of the elephant, listened to lion roar and met the buffalo on his turf. I shall never be the same.
17 February 2009, 23:01
JTEX, what problems did you have with the Dakar stop as I will be going thru on May 28th SAA?
17 February 2009, 23:13
muygrande-- There wern't any "real" problems. Just kinda creepy when the "Authorities" or whatever they where, in Senegal came on the plane after the people getting off the plane left to do a "Bomb" check.

They made everyone identify and claim every piece of cary on and went through the seat cushions to make sure nothing was left on the plane by departing passengers.

I think being an American in North Africa is not the best.

And it added about three hours to that leg of the trip, if I remember correctly.
17 February 2009, 23:22
Thanks, sounds like I should dress (paint) like I did in high school in the Texas Panhandle ('50's)for my skit for school!

Thanks for the headsup. Yeah, I think we will be there for about three hours.
20 February 2009, 08:26
Thats standard procedure in Dakar nothing to get paranoid about...
21 February 2009, 06:43
Hope you enjoy your hunt in Chirisa.Looking back on my hunt,I am glad I hunted there.Thanks to Buzz Charlton and CMS safaris.I remember flying over Senegal at night and seeing all the streets lit up and leading to the ocean.It was a pretty sight.
21 February 2009, 07:54
Originally posted by reddy375:
Thats standard procedure in Dakar nothing to get paranoid about...
nothing to get paranoid about, but who wants to be awakened at 3 AM, made to get up and identify your carry-on? you have already been through security in Atl or JFK and the plane didn't land in the middle of the Atlantic and take on any terrorists. do the bozos in Dakar, with their 20 minute seat bottom check really expect to find anything? hell, they don't even look inside your carry-on. a cursory visual check like that is an absolute waste of time and basically just a chance for some third world bureaucrats to demonstrate their power. Africa wins again!!!!!

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