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Okavango Delta

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01 August 2017, 18:49
Okavango Delta
In 2018 my wife and I will be hunting in Botswana. Since we are flying into Maun it seemed like we should add a couple of days and visit the Okavango. We have never done anything like this before and was looking for advice. Has any of the members taken a side trip and visited the Okavango? Any suggestions pros or cons?
01 August 2017, 19:20

One of the most amazing places on earth. Husband got a call for an elephant hunt cancellation for NG32 in the Okavango in 2010. Maun has a great little airport and the town is very nice.

We took a helicopter to reach camp to get a different view of the Delta. It is money well spent to see it from above.

The amount of game there is astounding.

Riding in the mokores (dug out canoes) was pretty cool.

Saw a herd of zebra splashing through the water trying to escape a pride of lions, with two monster males.

Elephants continuously crossing the water going from island to island. Hippos and huge crocs everywhere.

Definitely worth your wife's and your time to spend a few days there. It is like no other place on earth.

Link is to hunt report with some scenery shots.

Have a great trip.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
01 August 2017, 19:34
After hunting at Tholo we took a helicopter tour over the Delta and it was well worth it. Afterwards we had lunch in the little cafe across the street from the airport which has some interesting aviation photos. They also offer fixed wing flights over the Delta but I would definitely recommend the helicopter as you will see way more game. I have some photos that I'd post but not sure how to do so so if you're interested PM me an email address.
01 August 2017, 20:16
D. Nelson
I don't know if they still have photographic lodges in the Delta or not. My husband and I hunted from camps in the Delta in 1996 & 1997 and the edges in 2004 and 2007. The Delta is "where God lives". Truly amazing.

If you can get an opportunity to stay in a camp inside the Delta that offers mocuro trips and hikes, I'd definitely consider it well worth it.

Check with your travel agent or Google it. The folks at Tholo will probably know too.

Best regards, D. Nelson
01 August 2017, 20:52
I did that very thing . See my hunt report below.
If I remember correctly, there are 30+ photo camps in the Okavango Delta. Biggest issue is to be at a camp when the water arrives as the animals follow the water. It was cool and worth about 3 days of your trip.
You will find photo safari folks very different from hunter's....
01 August 2017, 23:03
Did 6 safaris in the Delta. Would go back tomorrow if hunting was allowed.
03 August 2017, 18:19
I appreciate everyone's feedback. From a couple of you I have heard from the helicopter tour seems to be a big hit. thanks again.
04 August 2017, 02:48
Russ Gould
You should know that the tourist-oriented delta camps are very expensive indeed. Thousand plus per night for a fancy tent. And don't let on that you are a hunter, for your fellow tourists will gag on their champagne.

There are some camps that cater to regional tourism that are more reasonable.

Russ Gould - Whitworth Arms LLC, Large Calibers and African Safaris, Fine English, American and German Double Rifles and Shotguns, Varmint Rifles and Gear