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26 September 2005, 08:40
I've heard a few tales,but nothing really convincing,,,,Have m1 tankers really been used by the u.s. military,,if so,,What branch,,and what role did they play,,Thanks for your honesty,Clay
26 September 2005, 08:58
Rick 0311
The M1 series of tanks have been the main battle tank of the US military (Army and Marine Corps) for a long time.
26 September 2005, 20:57
Steel Slinger
Do you mean tank, or tankER?

Are you talking about the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, or some sort of M1 fuel tanker truck?

FiSTers... Running is useless.
26 September 2005, 21:31
N E 450 No2
They were never officially used. There was some experimentation by Springfield Armoury, and some soldier "field" modified guns.
Same was done to the M 14 when it became the issue rifle.
I have a Tanker Garand and like it quite a bit. They are the same length as an AR-15, very handy. Mine has a scout scope, is in 308 with a Krieger bbl, built like a match rifle.
An easier rount for a short 308 today is a Springfiels M1A Scout rifle or their SOCOM

26 September 2005, 21:36
Rick 0311 I understand... Never mind. nut
26 September 2005, 21:47
Steel Slinger
Ah, I know what you're talking about now. I don't know the history of them, but I have seen one. Can't remember where though.

FiSTers... Running is useless.
27 September 2005, 01:26
Thanks NE450,,I've seen a few in my travels over the years,,Saw one on gunbroker last night,asking buku bucks for it,,sparked my curiosity. If I could get what most of those people are asking,,I'd be very tempted to dump my collection,,pay off my truck and a couple other bills and start over. I have'nt been to a gunshow in 5 years,,Think I need to go to a couple and see where the market prices are going,,Clay
27 September 2005, 10:18
N E 450 No2
Be very careful if you buy a "tanker". Many of them have beed "cobbled" together by back yard shad tree mechanics.
One done proper is a good rifle. Mune were done by Roland Beaver of Old Corps Weaponery. He is a builder of Match rifles.
I do not know if he is still in buliness. Also contact Fulton Armory. he has built some match rifles for some of my friends and they were very satisfied.
Once again if you do not have to have a Garand, just get a short bbled M1-A from Springfield Armory.
I have shot many of their rifles, from "standard" to their Super Duper match and scoped rifles with out a problem.
Also Armscorp builds some GREAT M 14 rifles. My match M 14 is from Armscorp. Look at the palm of your hand, my Armscorp can hit it at 800 yards, regular.

28 September 2005, 02:18
N.E.450,,,Not trying to buy one ,,just pure curiosity,,I have a pair,one dcm,and, one in .308 that I "built" which is a cadillac.The .308 is kind of funny as you have to load the left side high for it to feed correctly,,Load it right side high and it jamms halfway through the clip every time bewilderedI did some work for Clint,,maby 13 years ago,,And have been to his shop a couple of times,,Great man to deal with and talk gun stuff,,Clay
28 September 2005, 08:51
Grizzly Adams
Seems to me, there were a bunch of these made in the closing days of WWll, for use in the South Pacific, but never issued. There were some problems, including excessive muzzle blast. The ones you see now are the product of American ingenuity, to create a product, where there is a perceived market.

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
28 September 2005, 11:16
N E 450 No2
After you shoot a Tanker or a short bbled M1-A for a while you will "percieve" just how good a rifle they are. Big Grin They are pretty handy, and if put together right are excellent shooters.

28 September 2005, 19:16
Grizzly Adams
I wouldn't argue with you. I still miss the old jungle carbine I sold years ago, but it seems to me that there is an abundance of "improved" military weapons out there, created just because they sell.

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
07 October 2005, 22:41
According to the "Springfield Book" the only true example of a US issue "tanker" type .30-06 rifle was a field expediency variation of the M1903 put together in Panama for jungle troops in early WWII. All are supposedly destroyed.