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Dumb Question (?)

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17 January 2025, 23:18
Michael Michalski
Dumb Question (?)
Sorting through 9mm Luger brass, I came across a couple of similar but shorter (.030") shells. Head-stamp is: 9mmBr.c S&B. I've loaded pistol from .32 Auto to .45ACP and .44Mag and do not recognize these. Anyone know? (no laughing)


NRA Benefactor Member
US Navy Veteran
18 January 2025, 15:28
9mm Short.
Instagram : ganyana2000
18 January 2025, 16:06
p dog shooter
9mmBr.c S&B

S&B 380 stamp
21 January 2025, 03:22
Michael Michalski
Thanks guys. Guess I've gotten lazy in my old age. Easier to ask here than do a little research Smiler Only took a few minutes to find that a .380 and a 9mm short are different names for the same cartridge. Looking and measuring cases proved it. Damn, old age is getting tougher all the times.


NRA Benefactor Member
US Navy Veteran
21 January 2025, 15:47
p dog shooter
Easier to ask here than do a little research

It is common when your among friends