17 January 2025, 23:18
Michael MichalskiDumb Question (?)
Sorting through 9mm Luger brass, I came across a couple of similar but shorter (.030") shells. Head-stamp is: 9mmBr.c S&B. I've loaded pistol from .32 Auto to .45ACP and .44Mag and do not recognize these. Anyone know? (no laughing)
21 January 2025, 03:22
Michael MichalskiThanks guys. Guess I've gotten lazy in my old age. Easier to ask here than do a little research

Only took a few minutes to find that a .380 and a 9mm short are different names for the same cartridge. Looking and measuring cases proved it. Damn, old age is getting tougher all the times.
21 January 2025, 15:47
p dog shooterquote:
Easier to ask here than do a little research
It is common when your among friends