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A hooker story

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03 April 2015, 18:46
A hooker story
Hooker story...

A man is walking the strip in Vegas
when a fantastic looking hooker catches his eye. He strikes up
a conversation and eventually asks, "How Much?
The hooker replies, "I start at $500
for a hand job."
The man says, "$500 for a hand job?
Holy crap, no hand job is worth that kind of money."
The hooker says, "You see that KFC
on the corner?
"Do you see the McDonald's in the
next block?"
"And do you see the Wendy's across
the street?"
"Well," said the hooker, smiling
invitingly, "I own all those, and I own them because I give a
hand job that's worth $500."
So the guy says, "What the hell? You
only live once. I'll give it a try."
They go to a nearby motel. A short
time later, the guy is sitting on the bed realizing that he
has just had the hand job of a lifetime, worth every bit of
$500. He's so amazed, he says, "I suppose a blow job is
The hooker says, "No, $1500."
" I wouldn't pay that for a blow
The hooker replies, "Step over to
the window. Do you see those two casinos across the street?
Well, I own those, and I own them because I give blow jobs
that are worth every cent of $1500."
The guy, still reeling from the
terrific hand job, decides to put off buying a new car for
another year or so, and says, "Sign me up."
Fifteen minutes later, he's sitting
on the edge of the bed, more amazed than before. He can hardly
believe it, but he feels he truly got his money's
Deciding to go for broke, he asks,
"So, how much for some pussy?"
The hooker says, "Come back over to
the window. Do you see how the whole city of Las Vegas is laid
out before us? All those casinos, with the beautiful lights,
the gaming, the showgirls?"
Damn!" says the guy... "You own the
whole city?"
The hooker says, "No. But I would If
I had a pussy!"
03 April 2015, 18:54
shocker rotflmo Never Saw it Coming!! Good One!!
03 April 2015, 22:05
OUCH! and yuck!
04 April 2015, 15:36
Good One!!

I tend to use more than enough gun
05 April 2015, 01:11
What you don't know can't hurt you...

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

Man should be happy and in good humor until the day he dies...
Only fools hope to live forever
“ Hávamál”
05 April 2015, 04:41
Use Enough Gun
05 April 2015, 07:57

Never mistake motion for action.
11 April 2015, 05:15
Grizzly Adams
Wasn't one of these, was it ?? Wink


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
11 April 2015, 12:28
Now that is well beyond porcine on the rhine.

Never mistake motion for action.