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Here's Your Sign.....

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17 January 2008, 18:39
Mary Hilliard-Krueger
Here's Your Sign.....

Took my daughter to the airport a few days ago as she was heading back to college after Christmas break. Her departure gate was not posted so we proceeded to the information counter and asked the middle-aged gal working behind the desk, what gate Northwest flight 1468 would be departing from?

She replied "Do you know where it's going?"

I looked at my daughter, whose expression was mirrored to my own and said to myself "No, we just like that number, booked the flight and wherever it took her would be fine!"

Here's Your Sign!!!!

Anyone else have any such experiences to share with us for a chuckle?

18 January 2008, 20:05
True story:

Father-in-law got a new in-ground pool. Filled it up and noticed the water level had dropped, thinking there was a leak, he called the pool company (friends of ours) and told them what was going on.

Pool co: "How much has the water level dropped?"
F-I-L: "Two inches all the way around."

That's right folks, not just on the deep end, all the way around.


Liberals make me puke.
19 January 2008, 08:29
Norman Conquest
Ah yes,if ignorance is bliss,why are'nt there more happy people.R.

Never mistake motion for action.