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My First Time

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02 May 2015, 20:37
My First Time
My First Time

The sky was dark
The moon was high
All alone
Just her and I
Her hair so soft
Her eyes so blue
I knew just what
She wanted to do
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers
Down her spine
I didn't know how
But I tried my best
To place my hand
On her breasts
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread
Her legs apart
And when she did it
I felt no shame
All at once
The white stuff came
At last it's finished
It's all over now
My first time, …………………………………………………………
Milking a COW!
What the heck were you thinking??????


DRSS; NRA; Illinois State Rifle Association; Missouri Sport Shooting Association

“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”
– Thomas Sowell, “The Vision Of The Anointed: Self-Congratulation As A Basis For Social Policy”

02 May 2015, 21:22
02 May 2015, 23:24
Idaho Sharpshooter
what lal showed, plus one!
02 May 2015, 23:42

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
03 May 2015, 21:25
Grizzly Adams
He's lucky she didn't kick him in the teeth. Wink


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
04 May 2015, 10:43
Yes. The cowboys are a whole culture, one might even say, their own civilization.
05 May 2015, 02:20
Use Enough Gun
06 May 2015, 02:25
Originally posted by vashper:
Yes. The cowboys are a whole culture, one might even say, their own civilization.

No Cowboy ever milked a cow!

06 May 2015, 18:33
Of course, I've never seen alive cowboys , but judging from information reaching, what they do not with cows!