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Neat God Billboards

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18 September 2003, 03:34
Neat God Billboards
God�s road signs

New billboards are getting attention in Arizona. Some reported seeing one or two messages, but the newspaper listed all of them. Here�s a list of all variations of the �God Speaks� billboards. The billboards are a simple black background with white text. No fine print or sponsoring organization is included. These are awesome ... enjoy.

Tell the kids I love them.

Let�s meet at my house Sunday before the game.

C�mon over and bring the kids.

What part of �Thou Shalt Not...� didn�t you understand?

We need to talk.

Keep using my name in vain, I�ll make rush hour longer.

Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage.

That �Love Thy Neighbor� thing... I meant it.

I love you and you and you and you and...

Will the road you�re on get you to my place?

Follow me.

Big bang theory, you�ve got to be kidding.

My way is the highway.

Need directions?

You think it�s hot here?

Have you read my #1 best seller?
There will be a test.

Do you have any idea where you�re going?

(And my personal favorite...)
Don�t make me come down there.

Wonder how long it will take the ACLU to do something about these.

18 September 2003, 04:06
tasco 74
18 September 2003, 04:29
We have had them in Louisiana for a couple of years now. That's the Bible belt for ya. [Wink] Finally LA. is a leader in something. [Big Grin]
But what �ticks me off about the sings are the Christians that complain about them. I mean any thing that makes you think of God has to be good don't you think. I�m just happy to know I am close enough to him to realize he has a since of humor
God bless
18 September 2003, 06:06
He has a since of humor
I know, I'm reminded every morning when I look in the mirror [Smile] [Smile]

18 September 2003, 07:28
I have also seen these along our "Sportsmans Paradise" highways.

I think the "Christians" that complain about the signs are the ones that really aren't livin' it; and the signs make 'em feel guilty about it! [Razz]
19 September 2003, 06:42
They tried those here in North Carolina for a while, but the church groups whined and cried about them, so now we don't have em anymore. I personally thought they were pretty neat!
19 September 2003, 08:26
Hello GRIMM. I see that was your first post. Welcome to the forum.