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New Orleans retires K-9's

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02 September 2010, 03:46
New Orleans retires K-9's
you have probably heard that New Orleans is retiring all the German Shepherds in their K-9 program. They are replacing them with Coon Dogs.
Seems that they don't have much problems with Germans.
02 September 2010, 03:48
Both tacky, and a not very well disguised form of racism. hilbily zeke
02 September 2010, 07:31
funny tho!

If you own a gun and you are not a member of the NRA and other pro 2nd amendment organizations then YOU are part of the problem.
02 September 2010, 11:02
Idaho Sharpshooter
beat me to it, you dog!

14 September 2010, 10:47
Google Larry K. Matin painting "There goes the neighborhood". Black&Tan Coonhound puppies on a porch looking at baby raccoons under it. Very subtle !
14 September 2010, 10:48
Re: Post above- Larry K. MARTIN
16 September 2010, 03:02
Originally posted by mousegun1:
Both tacky, and a not very well disguised form of racism. hilbily zeke

Ditto !

Shovel ready.....
but hangin' on