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Middle East jokes...

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25 February 2015, 01:52
Middle East jokes...
Q: How do you tell a Sunni from a Shiite?
A: The Sunnis are the ones with the Shiite blown out of them.

Q: How does every Islamic joke start?
A: By looking over your shoulder.

Q: How does a Muslim close the door?
A: Islams it.

Q: How do you play Taliban bingo?
A: B-52...F-16...B-1...

Q: What do you call a drunken Muslim?
A: Mohammered.

Q: What do you call an evil Muslim?
A: Mu Ha Ha Ha Med.

Q: How did you get out of Iraq?
A: Iran

Q: What is the most popular kids show in the Middle East?
A: Dora the Exploder!

Q: What did the Muslim train conductor say?
A: Allah board.

Q: A muslim, a socialist, and a communist walk into a bar.
A: The bartender says hello Mr. President.

Q: "What do you call a Muslim shrink?
A: A terrorpist."

Q: Why doesn't Gaddafi go out drinking?
A: Why should he when he can get bombed at home?

Q: What do you call a Muslim who loves to shop?
A: Abaya.

Q: Why does Iraq smell so bad?
A: Because they have a lot of gas.

Q: What do you call a Muslim woman with an opinion?
A: Anything you want she's already been stoned to death.

Q: What
do you call a Muslim alcoholic?
A: Allah Vabeer

Q: What do you call a terrorist attack in the Middle East?
A: a Selfie!

Q: What do you say to a Pakistani at Christmas?
A: A quart of milk, a loaf of bread and a pack of Marlboros please.

Q: What do you call a bad Muslim eye doctor?
A: Asif Eyecare

Q: What should Iraq get for its air defence system?
A: A refund.

Q: What do you call a Muslim Elvis impersonator?
A: Amal Shookup

Q: What do you call a building full of Taliban?
A: Jail

Q: What do you call a Muslim looking for a toilet?
A: Mustapha Shiite

Q: What do you call an unemployed Muslim?
A: Bin Laidoff.

Q: What do you get if you cross Islam and Capitalism?
A: No more jokes about the profit.

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Ahmed who?
Ahmed the payphone trying to call home. All of my change I spent on you.

Knock knock!
Whos There?
Amal Who?
I'm in love, Amal shook up
25 February 2015, 09:26
What makes any of this funny?
25 February 2015, 19:56
I thought it was funny


Repeal the Hughes Amendment.
28 February 2015, 05:56
rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo