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The 911 call of tomorrow

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31 January 2015, 05:58
The 911 call of tomorrow
31 January 2015, 08:53
Idaho Sharpshooter
it's coming, except in Idaho where we just would request the coroner stop by for takeout...
31 January 2015, 11:47
No,we don't ask either in Texas.

Never mistake motion for action.
04 February 2015, 23:25
My personal code: Shoot first, call later.

Take my stuff? OK, but never in my house when I'm there!
Mess with me or the wife? prepare to meet God!
05 February 2015, 14:32
Zeke: 'Shoot first call later' sounds macho and all but is a recipe for disaster. You can discuss your shooting with all of your new prison buddies or with all of your new trailer park friends after you lose all of your possessions.