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Re: what's your hometown called?

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11 September 2004, 13:22
Re: what's your hometown called?
In fact, intercourse is just down the road from Bird in Hand, and just north of Paradise.
11 September 2004, 16:15
Bad Ass Wallace
Where I live you can go for a morning drive and have a BEER in Beerwah; a BURP in Burpengary; and a PE in Petrie on the way home
15 September 2004, 02:19
Brett V
I'm surprised non one ever mentions exit 69 of I-75 in Troy, Mi. The road name:

...Big Beaver Rd.
15 September 2004, 03:00
There is also a "Promised Land" in the Poconos.. Living in NYC, I can tell you it's aptly named! Here in Staten Island, there is a big money neighborhood called "Todt Hill" with a significant number of gangsters living there. Here's the interesting part. "Todt" is dutch for Death. Apparently, when NYC was New Amsterdam, a Dutch colony, they used Todt hill as an execution ground. There was a gallows there in use for over a century... Oh and here's another little bit of trivia: Staten Island was the site of the first Distillery in the new world (1614, I think)

15 September 2004, 06:21

Isn't there a "Blue Balls, Pa" in that same area

I think it's Blue Bell
16 September 2004, 18:05
Matt Norman
There is a Blue Ball Maryland, (north of Aberdeen, just south of PA line).

Don't forget Dumas, Texas.
16 September 2004, 19:06
There used to be a Blue Ball, OH down near Cincinnati, but I think they have since changed the name to Blue Ash.

My hometown since September of 1976 has been Front Royal, Virginia. The town was originally called LeHewtown for the first family to come here (the descendents still live here), then was changed to Helltown for what went on down on Main Street on Saturday nights and finally to Front Royal during the Civil War as a way of getting the raw recruits to all face the same way during drill. It seems that so many of them didn't know their right from their other right and ended up facing a variety of different directions when the instructor called an about face. To simplify things, the command became to "front the royal oak;" to face a large oak tree that grew in the town square. This got all the recruits facing the correct direction and over time, the order became just "Front Royal!" We are located at the northern end of the Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park. People come from hundreds of miles to enjoy our fall festival and drive along the Drive to see the leaves turn color right about this time of the year. Y'all come, heah?
17 September 2004, 16:51
I think I remember a road exit off of I-15 between LA and Vegas called ZZYZX RD. How in the hell do you pronounce that?
17 September 2004, 21:47
I did a search on Zzyzx Road; it's quite a story about a man who ran a sort of health ranch out there. Try it under Yahoo or Google. I think it's pronounced Z(eye)-Zicks.
18 September 2004, 03:46
There's a place in WV called Frazier's Bottom, ain't never been there.

There's also a sign on I-79 for two areas (not really towns) and the the two names are: Pinch
12 September 2004, 01:43
I can't imagine why nobody has yet mentioned Dildo (in Newfoundland).

15 September 2004, 16:11
There is a Blue Ball, PA as well as a Blue Bell, PA. The old joke was that the stagecoach would take you from Blue Ball to Bird-in-Hand to Intercourse to Paradise.

I grew up in Virginia. There is a Climax, VA in Pittsylvania County and several of my cousins attended and graduated from Climax High School.

My hometown growing up was Dry Fork, VA.
26 September 2004, 10:50
How about Dry Prong LA?
30 September 2004, 08:26

Hobie -

Agreed!!! Been there and done that. Have to let my belt out about 2 notches each visit. BTW the Shady Maple is actually in East Earl.

I guess you're right. Darn places so close together up there I can't keep them all straight. Well, that and the coma I'm in from over indulging in that great food! Glad I didn't marry me a good Mennonite or Amish girl! I'd be mistaken for a rogue elephant!
11 September 2004, 17:01
south of climax, there is a town called colon. we used to say (as i lve not too far away from the climax exit) you have to go through colon to get to climax! kinda like the I-69 sign hanging above my bed