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Schmidt Rubins in 7.5 Swiss

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02 January 2008, 06:30
Schmidt Rubins in 7.5 Swiss
Guys, these have to be the BEST shooting mil-surp rifles on the market today.

They are also the most ugly rifle ever built. There has to be a way to make them more palatable, any ideas ?..................JJ

" venator ferae bestiae et aquae vitae "
02 January 2008, 06:40
They're right up there, but I think the 6.5X55 Swede takes the cake. That big square front post lines up like no other....
02 January 2008, 13:01
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I love the things>

02 January 2008, 16:24

I own more than 5 Schmidt&Rubins and I tell you, those rifles are accurate.

This rifle is the hunting version of the so beloved K31.

Here some more details of the project.

Good shooting and good hunting

Gian Marchet Colani - the most famous mountain chamois hunter in the European Alps....
03 January 2008, 00:25
They do strongly resemble the toy rifles in the Dollywood gift shop, but they grow on you. I wouldn't alter mine for anything. I do need a new striker spring for it, though. Anybody know of an off-the-shelf spring that fits it? Wolf Gunsprings doesn't know.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
03 January 2008, 06:01
Thanks alot for the info guys, I own 3 K-31's and they are without a doubt fine rifles.

One goes with me every trip to fill my feeders. I like them alot.................JJ

" venator ferae bestiae et aquae vitae "
04 January 2008, 08:24
off the shelf, no
new part, no
but, Tenn Gun Parts can probably get you a used spring. best-o-luck
04 January 2008, 09:54
I have my eye on one of their target models preferably in 7.5 and not the 308 model. I have had a jones for one since I saw Streets of Laredo. Even though in the book I think it was a mauser.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
04 January 2008, 19:23
When I get a round tuit, I'm just going to pull out the old spring, measure it, and look in MSC's springs online...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
04 January 2008, 19:51
If you're interested in having a Swiss K-31 'smithed, 1 guy to speak with is Larry Racine in Keene, NH. You can see some of his K-31 work at