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Re: 30X57, 7.62X57???

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06 September 2004, 08:51
Re: 30X57, 7.62X57???
I have often thought that the old 7mm Mauser hit all the important bullets but one:

Maybe in Europe they ream out .308s so they can use their 8mm brass and call it an 8mm-08.
06 September 2004, 10:09
A pal of mine had/has a beautiful rigby in 7x57 with the bore completely gone. van patten if I remember his name right, re-bored it to .30x57. I did some load work for him on the rifle and got ..... a .308 in all actuality. Thats not a bad thing mind you, but there's no reason to build one other then the worn barrel as far as I can see.
06 September 2004, 10:08
Fritz Kraut
Triebel lists a 7,62x57HTSU in their CD PAULA, which contains the dimensions of nearly all known cartridges. There isn�t any more infornation about it than that all dimensions but the bullet are the same as the 8x57IS (8mm Mauser).
