07 July 2004, 17:36
7-30 WatersWhat happens to brass length as you size it down?
Can anyone tell me what happens to the overall length of a piece of brass when sized down quite substantially?
Example: Take a 357 Maximum brass - 1.605 inches - and size it down to 25 caliber? Does it stay the same length, grow longer or get shorter?
Thinking about creating a 25-222 Rem a.k.a. 25 Copperhead but use 357 Maximum brass because of the rim. The 25 Copperhead brass has an length of 1.660.
07 July 2004, 17:56
DuaneinNDgenerally speaking the neck will be long and need to be trimmed.
08 July 2004, 06:28
Paul HIt will get longer as you size it down, but, I wouldn't expect it to grow .060", more like .020-.030" The other thing is it won't lengthen consistantly from case to case, and you'll have to trim to the length of the shortest case.
17 July 2004, 07:12
<eldeguello>"The more it's squoze, the more it grows...."