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How the hell do they(African's) gut an elephant?

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03 January 2004, 11:00
How the hell do they(African's) gut an elephant?
Never been to an elephant hunt, so just curious. How do they gut an elephant? I am guessing after an hunt, locals from the surrounding village would come in and start wacking off different parts of the elephant like ants.
03 January 2004, 14:48
That's pretty much it. After the tusks, hide, tail, and feet are removed, it's a virtual free-for-all. I've never seen it personally, but have seen quite a few older documentaries depicting it. After a few hours, there's nothing left but a wet spot on the ground.
03 January 2004, 15:30
Cut up its anus and crawl on in.
03 January 2004, 22:33

Here is a short description of what happens to an elephant once it is killed.

The butcher gathers all his boys around, and lines up all his knives, as you can see here

A cut is made in the skin at the stomach, and peeled over the elephant body. Once the upper side has been skinned, a chain is attached to the elephant's legs, and he is turned over by the truck.

After all the skin and head has bean taken off, a careful cut is made in the stomach, so as not to puncture the gut.

The stomach and intestines are pulled out, and as soon as that is out of the way, some of the boys go into the stomach cavity to get some of the choice fat - which they love, and some actually eat it raw!

I have seen people cutting the elephant from inside the stomach cavity, while others are sitting on top. The knife points just comes between their feet, and no one seems to mind at all.

By this time hundreds of vultures would have gathered on teh nearby trees. Mind you, they will be lucky to get just the blood and the stomach content.

Everything else is taken by the natives.
05 January 2004, 07:29

05 January 2004, 16:23
No chainsaws just the native axe which they use for everything...skinning, hacking, wacking and so fourth.