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Pierre van Tonder Safaris

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14 October 2003, 09:34
Pierre van Tonder Safaris
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We hunted with Pierre in the Selous during the past August and September.

Our hunt was booked through my friend Ray Atkinson.

Needless to say, both gentlemen more than lived up to their promise of providing all of of us with a great hunt.

Our highest recommendations.

Details and photos can been seen in my hunt report.

Our hunt in the selous
14 October 2003, 00:44
Great hunt Saeed. You need to write a book someday.
14 October 2003, 07:13
470 Mbogo
Hi Saeed,
You guys really had a wonderful time in a great area. My trip was with Kilombero North Safaris and your pictures brought back some great memories. Thanks a bunch.

Take care,
19 October 2003, 03:58
470 M'bogo,
I think you were in the concession next to us..We were in U2 as I recall...
19 October 2003, 15:52
Saeed, thanks so much for the story (even though the last 23 photos was imagination filled in the blanks nicely.
20 October 2003, 05:38

The photos all are visible to us. It might be that you have a slow connection, in which case you might need to have some patience.

The pictures are great.
16 November 2003, 15:21
Michael Robinson
Great pictures and story.<br /><br />Thanks for sharing your experience with us.<br /><br />Where (on a north-south axis) were you hunting in the Selous?<br /><br />
16 November 2003, 18:52
Great stuff, Saeed. Congrats.


16 November 2003, 19:54

If you look at where the Kilombero and the Luwega Rivers meet, then follow the Kilombero north in that sort of Z shaped path, we hunted at the top of the Z.