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Re: What Questions to Ask the Outfitter/Booking Agent/References?

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19 January 2004, 08:58
Re: What Questions to Ask the Outfitter/Booking Agent/References?
Hey gazors,
I think the ones of u who already have been out with an outfitter for hunting can give advices to us (to those who never have booked a hunt )which realy do more than just give us a clou what to ask or to look after when thinking about booking a hunting trip.

So RESPECT and Thanks to u all! that -up to now - have given "us" some of theire knowledge and given some hinds to "us" too

I never have been hunted with a PH or Outfit ....but have a strong will to hunt someday in Africa.
The problem isn�t the is more the restrictive factor why up to know i haven�t been to Africa.
With a students budget allways look out for specials and last minute offers..
Sorry i can�t help myself- but whith everything that i�ve heared (sometimes from AR Members and theire "failed hunting trip") I don�t rust those specials.

And some of those questions you have listed above, will give someone like me a good way to ask the "Outfitter" for some points, that may gives u an idea, how this outfitt will "host you as guest and how they understand hunting".
Concerning things to ask before flying away to Africa (or wherever).. mostly you were told that on the conseccion is a PH (Name XY) that hunts over 12 years on wild game as a PH and bla bla bla..
But is this an insurance that the hunt will be good ? I think NO.
Is there an Asociation ( NAPHA )that will ( will not can!) give u an overview over a PH , with goods and bads?

Because winks and lists that helps someone with planning his huntingtrip are always interesting and necessary, why don�t get them together in a special thread (like the nickudu files).
So if somebody is planning a trip or don�t know what to take with on a trip..he just has to take a look in THIS special thread and most of his questions have been answered "without questioning".

By the way...what can you do when you don�t get your trophies delivered home, or the wrong ones. I mean, you have paid for hunting AND the trophies!
But i think as far as the outfitter has the have to see where you stay and how to get to your trophies, or is there another way? I think none of such outfitters will give u the money back or make you a free invitation zo come and hunt again,or am i wrong?

I think i could ask another 30 questions...but i will save some for the next time!

Till soon