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Interesting picture

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03 August 2012, 07:02
Interesting picture

From here:

for every hour in front of the computer you should have 3 hours outside
03 August 2012, 10:38
sharing this one

03 August 2012, 16:38
p dog shooter
Its all about response time.

Being there when one is needed.

As much as LE trains for active shooters it is most likely the shooting well be over with before they get there.

In even in CO 90 sec response time was to late.

As a active now retired LEO trainer I pushed hard for the Idea of needing law abidding citizens to carry.

It wasn't always looked on with favor by some of the bosses. But most line officers knew we just couldn't be there in time.

After studying these type of attacks throwing a wrench into there plans really interrupts there plans. The sooner the better some one shooting back, a locked door that wasn't surpose to be locked ect.

Most of them are not trained enough to over come something the throws off their plan.