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Once Again It Happened In Wisconsin

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06 August 2012, 06:04
Once Again It Happened In Wisconsin
Wisconsin is a CCW state and again it failed to protect, seems some idiot with a high capacity pistol shot up some middleeastern type temple killing several people and wounding approx 20, and yes it took a policeman to stand up and put him where he belonged.... body bag.

The governor of Illinois pursuant to the Colorado shooting is now pushing for reinstatement for a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and he once again has been given the ammo he needs to push this forward.Gentleman it happening and it could be a start of other states moving in the same direction. Its gonna happen depends on how much the general public will tolerate, and admit or not the CCW is vocal but needless to say is a minority

NRA Life Member, ILL Rifle Assoc Life Member, Navy
06 August 2012, 23:44
Antelope Sniper
He was still stopped by a Man, or Woman, with a gun, not happy talk and flowers. Considering that Sikh are pacifist, it's easy to understand why none were carrying. I'm sure this guy hated cops to, but he didn't go shoot up a police station.
07 August 2012, 00:08
If he hated Police more than these religious people he could have walked in the PD and shot them up but he didn't, he wasn't afraid of the police since he shot it out with them fortunately he lost.
I don't know what goes through these people minds when they attach defenseless people. From what I hear this guy demonstrated some anti social behavior but in our country that behavior is protected.

NRA Life Member, ILL Rifle Assoc Life Member, Navy
07 August 2012, 00:12
Originally posted by raamw:
Wisconsin is a CCW state and again it failed to protect, seems some idiot with a high capacity pistol shot up some middleeastern type temple killing several people and wounding approx 20, and yes it took a policeman to stand up and put him where he belonged.... body bag.

The governor of Illinois pursuant to the Colorado shooting is now pushing for reinstatement for a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and he once again has been given the ammo he needs to push this forward.Gentleman it happening and it could be a start of other states moving in the same direction. Its gonna happen depends on how much the general public will tolerate, and admit or not the CCW is vocal but needless to say is a minority

So let me understand this.....the only US citizens that you feel should have access to firearms are LEOs and military?
07 August 2012, 00:17
Considering that Sikh are pacifist

HUH?!!! Are you serious?!!! Get an education, please.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
07 August 2012, 00:24
Antelope Sniper
Peter, guess I shouldn't belive everything I read in the news. I guess that report was a little out of date. It looks like they haven't been pacifist for about 300 years.

The writings of the early Gurus were compiled in the Adi Granth, the Sikh sacred book, by Arjun (1563-1606), the fifth Guru. After Arjun's execution by the Mughal emperor, the Sikhs began to change from a pacifist to a militant sect, a process that culminated under the 10th Guru, Gobind Rai (1666-1708). It was he who founded the fraternity known as the 'Khalsa' (Pure), which has remained the principal Sikh order. Its members adopted the additional name Singh (Lion) or Kaur (Lioness) and observed a strict discipline.
07 August 2012, 00:52
Sikhs are from India not middle eastern!!! Although they have big beards (religous reasons) they are not linked IN ANY WAY with the Taliban. After 9/11 some dumn asses shot up some Sikhs -- wrong target!!!

Sikhs dominate the Indian army and are known for being tough fighters, but as with most races they are pretty easy going fun loving people, as I sure they were in Wisconsin before being attacked by a lunatic.

No I am not a Sikh
07 August 2012, 17:28
AS, no problem. Even Reddy's comment needs clarification. Sikhs reside in both India and Pakistan as their homeland was divided during partition in 1947. Sikhs have always formed a significant part of the armed forces in the Indian Army and fought with the British during both World Wars. They fought in the trenches of WW! as well as in Allenby's campaign in Palestine. They are a fun loving people (as most are!) but, you don't want to mess with them. The warrior ethos is very strong with them. They are often used as bodyguards!
PS. I should add that the British had major problems subduing the Sikhs in India! Also Mrs. Gandhi was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards!!

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
08 August 2012, 01:01
Originally posted by Antelope Sniper: Considering that Sikh are pacifist, it's easy to understand why none were carrying.

Not true.

Sikhism teaches a non-violent approach to life but, justifies the taking up of arms if all means fail to protect the weak.

Respectfully, Rajan
09 August 2012, 07:51
Wisconsin is a CCW state and again it failed to protect, seems some idiot with a high capacity pistol shot up some middleeastern type temple killing several people and wounding approx 20, and yes it took a policeman to stand up and put him where he belonged.... body bag.

He offed himself after being gut shot.
Typical LEO marksmanship...
09 August 2012, 21:11
I call what the shooter did was attempted suicide by Police, he could have easily kept shooting at police after he was put down by gun fire but chose to end his own life , Kudos in a certain kinda way, it would have helped to find out why he did what he did to help prevent this from happening again had he been kept alive but there stands a chance that this guy could have been released early as so many are who get "LIFE sentences" so I will take it, now we need to guess why he did what he did. The political storm over this is sure to come

NRA Life Member, ILL Rifle Assoc Life Member, Navy
09 August 2012, 23:21
Antelope Sniper
Well, as one of the Cop Critics, here's my evaluation. These Cops didn't do like at Columbine, or Virginia Tech, where the responding officers just sat around and waited for SWAT.

These two went in put lead on target, and stopped this POS. I am somewhat disapointed the first one managed to get his self shot. I can appreciate the difficult decision he had to make, render help, or continue to clear. The second Cop actually brought a RIFLE, no messing around with being undergunned.

Yes the hit was to the guts, but I'm ok with that. A gutshot is perhaps the most miserable way to be hit, and it could afford us the opportunity to gather intelligence from a live terrorist.

Overall, it appear to me this department administered it's active shooter training and that training probably helped mitigate the loss of life. There is probably something to learn from what happened to the first officer. Fortunatly he should recover, but his experience will probably help improve the Active Shooter training for other officer in the future.
10 August 2012, 03:05
These Cops didn't do like at Columbine, or Virginia Tech, where the responding officers just sat around and waited for SWAT.


Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
10 August 2012, 05:02
p dog shooter
These two went in put lead on target, and stopped this POS. I am somewhat disapointed the first one managed to get his self shot. I can appreciate the difficult decision he had to make, render help, or continue to clear. The second Cop actually brought a RIFLE, no messing around with being undergunned

I don't belive they knew it was a active shooter when they recived the 911 call. Frist officer arrived founded a victim was acessing when he was shot 2nd officer arrived and in gaged the shooter.

All the active shooter training for the last few years is you go after the shooter don't worry about aidding victims untill the shooter or shooters are stopped.

Trouble at V tech was the shooter had chained the doors shut so it wasn't easy to enter.

Columbine LEOs were still operating under the old rules secure and wait.

It would be nice it all officer carried partol carbines but there still are bosses that still don't belive in them.
11 August 2012, 07:08

I had an instant reaction to that statement about Sikh's being passivists as well. I seem to recall historical accounts of Sikhs in the British military being cited for valor. I also remember representing a Sikh client and having to go to some lengths to explain that a dagger was not necessarily advisable attire at his deposition. Fine people, based upon my limited experience, however.
14 August 2012, 23:07
Antelope Sniper
Here's a gunowners perspective on his local Sikh's: