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With a rabbit?

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12 August 2005, 20:28
With a rabbit?
I found this article on the net.

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A man described as a finance industry professional appeared in an Australian court on Friday charged with animal cruelty, bestiality and drug offences after the deaths of 17 rabbits and a guinea pig.

Police said the 36-year-old man was arrested in his Sydney office at about 1 a.m. on Friday after an investigation during which police worked with Australia's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

He was charged with 18 counts of aggravated cruelty to animals, one count of bestiality and two counts of possession of cannabis, a prohibited drug, for offences committed between July 20 and August 20, police said.

The man did not enter a plea, did not apply for bail and was ordered to be held in custody until his next appearance in Sydney's Central Local Court on August 19.

The man was a New Zealand citizen, his lawyer said.

OK, animal cruelty is bad but beastiality with a rabbit or guinea pig? That's just weird! Of course the last sentence says something too.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

13 August 2005, 02:56
Britain historically gave its criminals to Australia , New Zealand lets them leave of their own free will and settle in Oz as well.....

Although you cant blame the guy for taking to guinea pigs and rabbits - have you seen how ugly Australian sheep and women are ?????


Old enough to know better
13 August 2005, 03:02
LOL, well the U.S. Marine Corps must know something they're bombing Australia now. Here's a news story on it.

DARWIN, Australia - A U.S. Marine Corps fighter jet dropped a bomb and damaged a building in an accident at a remote military range in northern Australia, the government said Friday.

The bomb, dropped by an F/A-18 Hornet, exploded near a control tower and damaged facilities at the Delamere Air Weapons Range in the Northern Territory on Wednesday, Australia's Defense Department said. No one was injured and no details were released on the extent of the damage.

Defense Minister Robert Hill said the mishap was under investigation by both Australian and American authorities.

"We certainly regard it as a serious incident," Hill told reporters in the northern city of Darwin.

Bombing exercises have ceased at the weapons range, some 80 miles south of the town of Katherine.

"Things like this will always happen; we hope not very frequently and we hope not any more dangerously," Prime Minister John Howard told Melbourne Radio 3AW. "But the idea that you can conduct any kind of military exercise without some kind of potential for mishap is unrealistic."

The U.S. Marine contingent, which is based in Japan, was conducting an annual training exercise called Southern Frontier that involves 500 troops, 15 F/A-18 Hornets and two KC-130 Hercules aircraft.

The U.S. Marine Corps said the ordnance was a 500 pound laser-guided bomb, Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

13 August 2005, 05:52
Sambar 9.3
G'day All, Muzza, I suppose after all those sheep in NZ, he might have wanted a change?
As for little Johnny Hitler (Oops! Howard) It's funny, you know. We train with stuff that goes bang for years, (I can speak for at least the 20 that I was in) with hardly any accidents. The only ones that spring to mind are when we work with the yanks. Go figure! So Johnny, it can be done, just not on the cheap!

Cheers, Dave.
Non Illegitium Carborundum

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
13 August 2005, 06:02
Sambar 9.3
G'day again. I do remember one funny one, in the USA (no suprise!). Going back a few years now, but an F-15E Strike Eagle managed to miss the state of Nevada. Now, before you all start, everyone misses occasionally, don't they? But a whole state?
Then again, I suppose he was Air Force....
I wonder how the Marine Hornet driver is going to live this one down?

Cheers, Dave.
Non Ilegitium Carborundum

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
13 August 2005, 14:07

I still like the way those things are bouncing around.

I wonder if I can find similiar on the Net to add to my handle. roflmao
13 August 2005, 18:30
Originally posted by Fjold:
Bombing exercises have ceased at the weapons range, some 80 miles south of the town of Katherine.

Is Bakes around on the net at the moment?

Last year about this time he got to do sentry duty in the bush at the downed F18 plane that crashed and he was bored stiff and not a happy chappy.

Is he guarding a bomb crater this time? Big Grin


John H.

.. - the net's double rifle forum
14 August 2005, 15:50
Gidday Guys,

Yeah I would get it on with a bunny but not one of those ugly Aussie ones. Make it one that hang out in Hugh Hefners Hutch.

Happy Hunting

14 August 2005, 23:32
Originally posted by muzza:

Although you cant blame the guy for taking to guinea pigs and rabbits - have you seen how ugly Australian sheep and women are ?????

BULL! Australian women are beautiful! I'll have to take your word on the sheep. Wink
15 August 2005, 00:50
Hunting rabbits or roos with a F/A-18 is certainly different ! I guess it's easy to see them against the white snow as was shown here on the tv news. Roll Eyes
15 August 2005, 02:42
Yeah beautiful till they open their mouth!!!

...."At some point in every man's life he should own a Sako rifle and a John Deere just doesn't get any better...."
15 August 2005, 03:27
Originally posted by TrackersNZ:
Yeah beautiful till they open their mouth!!!

I stand corrected! roflmao clap
15 August 2005, 10:09
Originally posted by TrackersNZ:
Yeah beautiful till they open their mouth!!!

Don't Kiwi sheep also say "Baaaaaaaa" when they open their mouth? Confused

Personally I can't tell which ones are beautiful and which ones aren't. They all look alike to me.
16 August 2005, 14:08
NitroX ,
Any Kiwi will tell you that when a ewe has their head stuck in the fence ... it's bewdiful !

The hunting imperative was part of every man's soul; some denied or suppressed it, others diverted it into less blatantly violent avenues of expression, wielding clubs on the golf course or racquets on the court, substituting a little white ball for the prey of flesh and blood.
Wilbur Smith