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Importing Barrels and Reamers

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06 March 2004, 02:16
Importing Barrels and Reamers
Can these be brought straight in like dies?

06 March 2004, 07:46
Stu C

I've had a reamer sent directly from the US to Melb. No problems on either side. I understand you need an import permit from Aust customs for a barrel, not sure about US export rules on barrels.
06 March 2004, 11:11
The reamer is no problem, I had a 470 Capstick reamer 5 days after ordering direct from Clymer. The barrel you should need a permit for, but then again, delivered to a private address (not a gunsmith's) and you may just get away with it.
06 March 2004, 11:57

It seems to me that that it just depends on who is working on the day...and if your lucky it will be super intendint Dufus and your parcel will get staright through
07 March 2004, 18:37
Thanks gents. I'll try and do it the right way. They throw around terms like 'terrorism' and 'trafficking' if you get caught without the permit these days. Fuckheads.

Actually on the subject of fuckheads just came back to my hometown for a bit to find the local waterfall that we have been swimming in for generations now almost totally closed off to the public due to 'safety'.

120 fucking years of swimming in it and now they ban us from it...

Also went out on the reef in my uncles boat. Hell what a checklist you need these days to cast off. Lifejackets, fire extinguishers, eperb, first aid kit,etc. all common sense but the fact the authorities can board your boat at sea to check your safety gear really really bothers me.

Cops need warrants and causes to invade your privacy, but all these safety inspectors seem to have martial powers.

Lastly the shop across the road from my old school is going out of business since the parent/school committee has decided after 50 years of no accidents or traffic incidents, it is suddenly unsafe for kids to cross the road to get to it at lunchtime.

The above is in a small country town where people are supposed to be a little more old fashioned.

I have to go back to Brisbane in a fortnight

and I can't wait to see how fucking crazy the city has gone in the three months I have been away.

What are you guys getting inspectors in your homes to check your pool fences etc yet?

08 March 2004, 02:05
Stu C

All too true. How many rules do we need to keep ourselves safe?
09 March 2004, 01:39

In Vic they use aerial photography and do gooders to find people without pool fences.

There is a guy down Longford way who went to court because they wanted a fence around his pool in his backyard, which is fenced. To get to the house you pass 2 dams and 3 troughs, so his argument is if they haven't drowned by the time they get to the house they are probably safe.
09 March 2004, 01:47
Bad Ass Wallace
Gawd 'elp us. What next, an enviornmental impact statement in triplicate before you can fart!
09 March 2004, 03:07
Stu and 416, that is when it really becomes a problem. When the average moron picks up the ball and runs with it 'to do the right thing'.

The strange thing is not many Aussies will bitch about this stuff these days.

Anyone noticed that?

I set up the other thread to make a point about this.

In the 90's when it all came in we hated it, and bitched about it. you could always get good mileage.

Now the reaction is denial or even defending it, or our latest reaction to smother it with jokes and generally make light of yet another shit situation.

We sure seem to do this a lot these days...

13 March 2004, 18:40

where does it all end ?? when do thye say enough no more