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Anzac Weekend Fallow

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01 May 2008, 14:18
Anzac Weekend Fallow
Group of us went fallow stag hunting over Anzac weekend. Had some success getting a stag each , including Matthew who shot his first deer.

Hunted the Wanganui hillcountry area , an area reknown for crappy fallow heads so we think we did ok.

Matthews first deer

Richard from the USA - his first NZ deer too

Jimmy with his stag , neck-shot as it slept @ 120 metres

Me and Matt with my stag

Derryns stag - by far the best of the day

And a shot of all the heads together


Old enough to know better
01 May 2008, 15:07
Great pictures, and some of those heads are not bad at all for wild fallow! No park deer there clearly.

Congrats on your Matt's first buck, must have been a great day for him!
04 May 2008, 11:17
Paul from nz
not a bad effort at all. that looks a little like private land good to see the grass is actually green but not like we are getting much growth at the moment!! doesnt look like theres a lot there either, oh well it is the season.
20 May 2008, 19:13
I like the heads, but why ruin the capes? if you don't mount them you can sold them, or maybe give for free!

21 May 2008, 17:33
the last pic with the side on shots of the heads gave a good view, they are quite impresive.
22 May 2008, 13:17
Nice heads Muzza.

Is Richard from USA AKA Cutman???

"Never in the field of human conflict
was so much owed by so many to so few." Sir Winston Churchill

22 May 2008, 14:23
Sure is ,T-P.

The reason for not keeping capes on these heads is that as fallow heads go they arent great heads and are not going to be mounted , other than heads boiled out and screwed to the shed wall.


Old enough to know better