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A top weekend with my boys

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23 June 2014, 15:14
A top weekend with my boys
My eldest lad Kurt has been hitting the books hard for awhile so I took him fishing last Friday (took the day off work Wink). We left home in the pouring rain and things didn't look good, however the rain stopped closer to the coast and by lunch we had a top day. Caught a heap of fish, most under size but we did manage a feed. Tempura Flathead, bream and chilli crab for dinner, can't beat it.
Nice bream


Trolled up a nice little cod that was 1cm under size so was released.

And one legal mud crab out of 5 caught

Then on Saturday I took my youngest to the range to sight in his late grandfathers Anschutz .222 that I had re-barrelled. Everything was looking good but I have to get the old girls new barrel floated. As it heated up groups went to pot. Still the boy and I had a great time. We are getting ready for a hunting trip after deer and pigs in July. He won't be taking the .222 just his .22 and my 6.5x55.

A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache!"
24 June 2014, 03:50
mt Al
Looks like he put his chemistry homework on his T-shirt, just to keep studying while hooking fish! Looks like a great time.
24 June 2014, 10:46
Obviously gets his looks from his mother , too.


Old enough to know better
24 June 2014, 14:40
You got that right mate. Big Grin

A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache!"
24 June 2014, 15:15
6.5 X 55 Hhhhmmmnn! Thought you might be into a .375 Saeed special.
BS aside, what is the zoological name for the bream.It does look similar to one of ours. Just curious. Cool
24 June 2014, 16:10
Here you go mate.

A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache!"
24 June 2014, 20:19
These are found here and are known as stumpnose.
Have a look at the map given in the site below as to where they are found. Confusing?

There is also a R. tricuspidens , but due to new discovery, there is now some sort of an argument as to what is what.
Thanks anyway, still very similar in looks.
25 June 2014, 01:08
Those fish are called tarwhine here. Bream are a little different

A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache!"