The Accurate Reloading Forums
Re: Ms. Universe

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04 June 2004, 04:03
Re: Ms. Universe
They're all wearing thier SKIVVIES, so it's impossible to tell if they are SHORN or not...

BTW...Do Aussie girls shave thier nether regions or do they tend to remain au naturel...??...

A lot of American girls are shaving it these days...

I must admit I prefer my women "fully feathered"...
04 June 2004, 04:52
Just goes to show you, there are some plastic surgeons out there that should be shot
04 June 2004, 05:34

Now Muzza, why did you give up dairying and take up chicken farming?
04 June 2004, 05:36

I am sure she is shorn nice and smooth!
04 June 2004, 10:55
Wow , with a woman like any of those you could go on a rafting expedition and not need a raft.....

At least none of them will ever get sunburnt toes
04 June 2004, 10:59
Mate , you are one sick puppy I thought you got your kicks from sheep , not chickens. If you get chickenpox we will all know from whence you contracted it

(had to edit out a spelling mistake or Bakes will be after me as well )
04 June 2004, 11:44
I'm always watching Muzza....always
04 June 2004, 16:41
Like - " Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid " or watching over me in a benevolent , big brother fashion ?

Wow , between you and NitroX looking out for me my life will surely be blameless and fault free....
04 June 2004, 17:54

That chicken story has been doing the rounds on the African forum, currently at page 2. Check it out.

Why a chicken? What's wrong with furry rabbit?

PS 2 + 2 = 5. Don't you know that yet?
04 June 2004, 19:39
Nah , the rabbit I shot with 12 gauge Buckshot yesterday was a sorrier sight than any chicken....

Have to plead ignorant on aussie maths , ya lost me on that one
05 June 2004, 04:48
Far Canel
Geeezus BAW!!!
You have all the scary sites bookmarked I see.
05 June 2004, 05:53

Have to plead ignorant on aussie maths , ya lost me on that one

"2 + 2 = 5"

From "1984". "We will help you to believe 2 + 2 = 5, or 3 or whatever we want you to believe."

Thought Police.

Catch the movie one day. It is very good and thought provoking. And read the book by George Orwell. Written in 1948, Orwell merely reversed 48 to make 84, to represent a time in the future. The term "Big Brother" comes from the book ie "Big Brother is watching you".

Compare what the book predicts to what is happening today, the thoughts of today and how things have changed since.

05 June 2004, 05:58
I remember reading that at school, not one of my favorite books. I was going through a Wilbure Smith stage then

Hey I just noticed in BAW's pic, middle row, second from the right, thats Lindsy Dawn mind
05 June 2004, 11:21
The one on the far left in the middle row looks real , all the rest are suffering from inflation ( or over inflation ).

None of them look like any of the chicks I went to school with ...
05 June 2004, 16:30
Bad Ass Wallace
I dunno, I remember our geography teacher Miss Margret Klopps.
We used to call her "Cyclops" cos her blouse looked like she had just one big boob in the middle!

For you perverts that frown on young ladies with big honkers; 'ere ya go:

05 June 2004, 18:32
Hey that's BAD ASS with a wig!

(BA - youre going to get Bakes banned from the internet again)
06 June 2004, 02:40
BAW.... .... .... .....

Hey that's a LOTTA LOVIN'... She'd certainly keep your NUTS off the sheets...

Your Cyclops story reminded me of one of old girlfriends...

Good ol' Olga.... Olga Fokyerself....

Olga had three boobs...Two in the usual location and one growing out of the middle of her back..

She was my favorite SLOW DANCING partner...

She'd have been darn near perfect if it weren't for that harelip and that embarassing feminine hygiene problem...
06 June 2004, 11:23
Shite BAW - you will get into all sorts of strife posting family photos like that . Wait till the women in your life find out...
06 June 2004, 21:15
MY week on that ship with those girls was the longest week I have ever spent!

NOT one of them would take NO for an answer.......
I couldn't walk for a week.

Thank Goodness they brought along plenty of viagra. ( just in case, but I didn't need it until Friday)

Did you do that Cruise also BadASS?

06 June 2004, 22:29
About 2 pages ago this thread was about the Ms. far have we strayed.
06 June 2004, 22:49
Yep...It gets like that round here......aint it great
03 July 2004, 17:56
That brings a whole new meaning to the term "Silicone Valley"
08 July 2004, 14:17
Parts of those babes must be bulletproof!