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new coyote call

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09 October 2013, 02:03
new coyote call
i think i found a new coyote call - at 5:30 am this morning. in my area the coyotes are almost impossible to get to. they won't answer calls, stay hidden in the heavy cover etc. anyway there is a railroad track about a mile away and at 5:30 this morning a train came by blowing its whistle. that started about 4-6 yotes yapping their heads off. they sounded like they were only about 4-500 yds away, but at 5:30 it's still dark. maybe i gotta get me a train horn
11 October 2013, 15:02
p dog shooter
A lot of things well make a yote howl sirens are on top of the list.

Making them howl is good for locating them but doesn't call them in very well.
12 October 2013, 19:26
David Craig
Have you tired a howler? I do a lot of coyote hunting and use a howler as a locator more than a call to bring them in. It lets me know I have some possible targets in my hunt area. It works really good.