The Accurate Reloading Forums
New Blog on my website

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11 December 2012, 23:37
New Blog on my website
I have started a blog on my website. For anyone who might be interested, here is the link:

I also have a Dauphin Horsemanship facebook page for the Horse stuff. Please stop by to view photos and give it a "like"

I am looking at the possibility of sponsorships, and the more page views and activity I get the better. Thanks

Daniel Dauphin
18 December 2012, 00:17
Blog Dec 17 2012

If the Mayans are right, this could be my last blog, but I’ve spent a while this morning coming up with future blog topics anyway. I laugh in the face of those who waste perfectly good virgins.

What is Good Timing?

Today’s topic is Timing. Most of us have seen someone, like a clinician or trainer, who can take a horse that has had a problem for months, and solve it in minutes. Or perhaps we’ve seen a rider and horse that are so in-tune that the rider never seems to give the horse a cue. They just go together, as one. What has occurred may seem like magic, whispering, or dancing, but what you are in fact witnessing is a supreme display of timing. What do advanced horsemen mean when they say “good timing”? Honestly, they could mean... Read the rest @