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.416 RM zero for DG scope-Buffalo

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11 August 2012, 09:35
.416 RM zero for DG scope-Buffalo
OK got the rifle and scope. 100 or 200 yard zero?

I am thinking 100 for Buffalo


White Mountains Arizona
11 August 2012, 17:49
Scope zeroed at 100 yards and the irons for 50 yards.
12 August 2012, 02:05
Agreed as to 100 for the scope for buffalo. Might consider 25 for the irons, though. In any event, I'd shoot it at ranges from 25 yards or less to at least 200, if not 300. Shoot your irons at extremely short range as well. You want to know where your rifle will be at any reasonable range.

No, you won't shoot a buffalo at 2-300 yeards, but I've shot that far on plains game with my .416.
12 August 2012, 02:57
No irons on this custom demo rifle I am taking. I will take 2 scopes. 100 sounds good and on my other rifles irons are 50. I'll just holdover for longer shots if necessary

White Mountains Arizona
12 August 2012, 03:22
bwana dogo
100 yd scope zero. I've been fortunate to have shot more than a few buffalo and the ranges were from 20 yds to 125 yds. You'll be spot on with a 100 yd zero.
12 August 2012, 03:27
Sorry, stupid question: 25 yard vs. 50 yard zero:

What are we talking here, .5" variance?

It just hits me that this might be a case of "synthetic frippery". Something debated that really just doesn't mean anything in the real world.

(*I am having irons put on my .375 H&H, so this conversation does mean something to me. When I look at 100 yard zeros my rise is only 1.25" at 50 yards...that doesn't exactly mean a whole lot...)



H4350! It stays crunchy in milk longer!
12 August 2012, 05:38
Robert, not sure if you were addressing me, but I sight my iron sights at 50 yards because I am not a good shot with them and would only use them at close range ie less than 50 yards. I use the scope 99.99% of the time and the iron sights to me are rather a specialty tool or emergency back up.
12 August 2012, 05:46
Originally posted by rnovi:
Sorry, stupid question: 25 yard vs. 50 yard zero:

What are we talking here, .5" variance?

It just hits me that this might be a case of "synthetic frippery". Something debated that really just doesn't mean anything in the real world.

(*I am having irons put on my .375 H&H, so this conversation does mean something to me. When I look at 100 yard zeros my rise is only 1.25" at 50 yards...that doesn't exactly mean a whole lot...)

Not really, I sight in 2.5" high at 100 yards and I'm dead on at 25 yards and 175 yards with my 500 Jeffery shooting 570g TSXs at 2300 fps. I'm about 1" high at 50 yards. I do have Talley QR rings and I always practice with my irons as well.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
13 August 2012, 08:57
I typically sighted my DG rifles in for zero at 100yds. After reading Pierre Van der Walts book I will probably switch them to 75 yds. Not a big difference, but I like his rationale.


13 August 2012, 15:29
Buffalo? Dangerous Game. Dangerous Game LONG RANGE, 50 yards. For the last 15 years hunting Dangerous Game of any sort (Excluding Leopard), I sight in anything from 1/2 to 1 inch high at 50 yards and this covers you for anything I would do in the field. If my rifle is doing well at 1/2 inch high at 50, then I don't worry with trying to get to an inch. If it is doing well at 1 inch, then I don't worry about getting it lower. I would not want more than 1 inch high however.


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13 August 2012, 21:48
Is the 416 the only rifle your taking? Even if your taking a lighter caliber for plains game why not zero at 200yds your talking being high 2 inches at 100yds and just about an inch high at 50yds. What always seems to happen is that you have a zebra stallion or a nice kudu bull pop up at 200yds or more, no mental calibration of bullet drop pull up and shoot.

"An individual with experience is never at the mercies of an individual with an argument"
13 August 2012, 22:18
Cross L
Doesn't matter--

sight it in where ever you want-

just be sure and shoot it at all the other ranges so you know where its hitting
13 August 2012, 22:38
Originally posted by Cross L:
sight it in where ever you want-

just be sure and shoot it at all the other ranges so you know where its hitting


"The difference between adventure and disaster is preparation."
"The problem with quoting info from the internet is that you can never be sure it is accurate" Abraham Lincoln
14 August 2012, 02:14
That is an idea but I am taking a 300 wm as well. I pretty much want it on at 50 which is just about on at 100. I want to be able to put a bullet in a specific spot at close range as I don't want to have to think about where the bullet is impacting if things get hairy

Originally posted by dirklawyer:
Is the 416 the only rifle your taking? Even if your taking a lighter caliber for plains game why not zero at 200yds your talking being high 2 inches at 100yds and just about an inch high at 50yds. What always seems to happen is that you have a zebra stallion or a nice kudu bull pop up at 200yds or more, no mental calibration of bullet drop pull up and shoot.

White Mountains Arizona