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Good Read: On Safari The Story of My Life by Armand Denis

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28 December 2012, 06:07
Good Read: On Safari The Story of My Life by Armand Denis
This is an older book. Armand Denis did documentary films about Africa and other exotic locations. Denis was not a hunter and makes no secret about his views on hunting. That said, such references in the book are few and far between and the bulk of the book is about the adventures of he and his wife in the Congo, Kenya and other parts of Africa. It is a surprisingly good read. He has several chapters talking about filming and trapping gorillas in the Congo for example. You can read it on line or download for a Kindle:

Because it is a free download some of the formatting/spelling is a little off, but it is easily managed.

Also available in paperback on Amazon. Interesting book and Denis seems like an interesting person.
