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Neumann, Baldwin, Lander, Lyell, Park, LeVaillant... Any first editions lover here?

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15 February 2009, 08:27
Philip A.
Neumann, Baldwin, Lander, Lyell, Park, LeVaillant... Any first editions lover here?
Wondering if there are first editions aficionados here?

I have a few, mostly on African travel, exploration, and big game, and of course am always on the lookout for more...

Since collectors most always have some duplicate items, trading a book here and there could be a possibility. Or exchanging tips when someone sees one for sale that he already has, but which is on someone else's wish list.


15 February 2009, 12:09
Hi Philip,

Hope that you're well up there?

I'm a great lover of signed first editions and have quite a wide collection....... once I have them, even if I have duplicates, I never part with them though.

I'm sure you'll enjoy this:

susan and I have been building the site for the last year and it's still expanding but the bad news is that I must be the site's biggest customer! Smiler

15 February 2009, 21:02
Philip A.
Hi Steve!

Things are great... Busy loafing on the veranda, enjoying the afternoon sun setting on Lake Victoria. My sister on the phone was bitterly complaining about snow, snow, and snow, I had to interrupt to ask "What exactly is snow???"

I checked the link, great work you've done! Wonderful resource.

I have some duplicates, I'll get a list done the next snowy morning... Wink

Some Stanley, Patterson, Capstick, a few 18th Century travel accounts, maybe a Baker, and other books I'll have to check.

If you have a "Wish List", I'll give you a shout anytime I see one passing under my nose.
16 February 2009, 09:22
Hi Philip,

I know what you mean about the weather. I enjoy saying the same thing to my brother in England!

Glad you enjoyed the site. We're getting close to having that section finished now but the site seems to have a life of its own and just never stops growing!

17 February 2009, 20:55
THere is a guy selling a bunch of first editions in the ARBAY. The prices seem a bit high, but he may have what you are looking for.
20 February 2009, 17:11
I have alot of first Editions I could part with.Jock of the Bushveld,Out of Africa and a bunch more.I have tons of old classic African books plus a bunch of the older Trophy room books,Wolfe,and Safari press .I have a ton of first Editions of ruarks books.
24 March 2009, 21:40
mboga biga bwana
Bought this weekend Land of Elephants 1st Edition from Z.Szechenyi for 80 Euro. Wonder how much cost it elswhere ?

Seloushunter coffee

Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
28 March 2009, 09:07
I have a few old first edition books that I love. In particular, WDM Bell's "Wanderings of an Elephant Hunter" I bought that book in 1976 or 77 and love it.
17 April 2009, 17:35

Nice collection you have going. I've just started on my 'library'. Been trying to stick with 1st ed. signed when possible but many of them are quite expensive.
Do you find books overseas accessible or are most of yours purchased in the States?