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The History of SCI

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28 February 2007, 09:02
The History of SCI
The History of SCI by Bill Quimby, is a book well done and a story well told. It should be a part of every hunter's collection. Bill's treatment of SCI and its founder, C.J. McElroy, is well done. cheers

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
28 February 2007, 13:39
Muchimas gracías, mi amigo Guillermo.

I tried to show C.J. McElroy the way he really was -- warts and all. .

Bill Quimby
01 March 2007, 08:07
Bill. We all have "warts." I can only hope that some day mine will be treated as tactfully as you did Macs. And that is part of his story. You portray him as the wonderful man he was, with the forsight to create what has become the great hunting and conservation organization SCI is. Strong, persuasive, dedicated. It is my sincere pleasure to have known him. Thank you for the work. cheers

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt