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Re-Blueing and Lenduring???

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14 December 2009, 04:52
Re-Blueing and Lenduring???
Not sure if this is the right forum but here goes.....
I have a Browning Citori White Lightning 12 ga 26" barrels
Last winter I took said shotgun on a Chukar hunt in Nevada, snow etc.
Totally my fault, but I forgot the shotgun in a hard travel case at home for some period of time.
Some rust had developed around the action, on the trigger guard and some rust spots on the rib and barrels. Not pocked but certainly some rust. I sent to browning and they gave me an estimate of around $800 to fix. The biggest portion of the cost was "lenduring" at about $500.
First, what is lenduring?

Second, is this a reasonable price? I can post some pics if it helps.

It's not the money, but the gun is a $1,500 gun and I don't know if I would rather spend $800 on my error or keep it as a beater, and spend $1,500 on a new shotgun that I would like to have (like a 12ga teknys).
I've been so obsessed with my SBE II this year that I have kind of forgotten about this gun and finally decided I needed to do something with it one way or the other. Any thoughts?
14 December 2009, 06:58
Never heard of it. I'd contact Browning and ask them. A typo or misspelling, maybe?
14 December 2009, 19:38
Some RB-17 will eat that rust right off of there. (don't know if they still make it.) Try posting this over on the gun cleaning forum too.


If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
16 December 2009, 20:24
I'm guessing that "lenduring" is supposed to be "reblueing"? I'd clean up the rust and use it. Get some fine steel wool and have at it, then oil it. If it bothers you in that condition, you can probably sell it and recover a higher percentage of new costs than the "lenduring" will cost you, and apply the sale proceeds to a new whatever you want.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.