The Accurate Reloading Forums
My Granfathers Collection

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21 May 2003, 06:56
Brent Moffitt
My Granfathers Collection
Thought some of you might like these pics.
A collection of many cartridges he collected over his life after comeing back from the war. [Smile]

He won "best non-gun" the two times he displayed them publically at gun shows here. Not sure how his compares with other collections around the world but he does it for a hobbie and enjoys it.

Anyone that wants to contribute a dummy cartridge and info about it he may not have can email me and I'll see if it's one he has already and get back with you. Wildcats, bigbores, military... he would love anything he doesn't have currently. [Smile]

My Grandmother just passed away recently, and getting a cartridge or two in the mail from someone he's never met is just something else I thought would help lift his spirit some more. I am not telling him about this here. He'll just wonder where they came from. [Wink]

Thanks for any responses guys. [Smile]


