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Conservation Force: Conservation hunting at work in Central Asia

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17 November 2016, 21:30
Conservation Force
Conservation Force: Conservation hunting at work in Central Asia
Conservation hunting at work in Central Asia. Tajikistan has recovered critical populations of markhor and argali through a homegrown conservancy system.

In anticipation of benefiting from hunting revenues, local families or non-profits have obtained user rights to land, and implemented anti-poaching and benefits-sharing systems. They have recovered the wildlife so effectively, even predators like the endangered snow leopard are thriving.

Tajikistan recently held a meeting to update its wildlife Conservation laws and policies (See photo below).

Read more about the markhor: [URL=Conservation hunting at work in Central Asia]Conservation hunting at work in Central Asia[/URL] and more about snow leopard recovery can be found at:

18 November 2016, 05:01
thank-you for the update