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South African Birds - Part 1 - Saddlebilled Stork

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22 June 2010, 07:07
South African Birds - Part 1 - Saddlebilled Stork
I ran into a pair of Saddle-billed Storks on the border of South Africa and Botswana.  They were poking and proding their bills deep into the soft river mud hunting for tasties. 

MALE Saddle-billed Stork has a yellow wattle under his chin (kind of looks like a scrotum sack) and has dark eyes.

FEMALE Saddle-billed Stork is a bit smaller in size, she has no yellow wattle under her chin but her eyes are yellow.

The big gigantic male.  Notice the yellow wattle under the chin and dark eyes.

Here is the pair on a small island.

Notice the yellow eyes on the female.

Male from another angle.

Female from another angle.

22 June 2010, 15:22
Dear Collector:

Isn't natural selection absolutely amazing.

Look at those legs, and they function, too!

Thanks for the photographs.


Chris Bemis
23 June 2010, 08:05
Agreed Yale....they sure are magnificient looking creatures.
28 June 2010, 00:26
Educational details and great pics.Thanks for sharing.


"Early in the morning, at break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one's strength, to read a book - I call that vicious!"- Friedrich Nietzsche