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Today's history lesson

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01 November 2023, 22:12
Today's history lesson

01 November 2023, 22:44
I wonder if those countries had "Kapo" jews like the USA who pushed to destroy their own people.
01 November 2023, 22:49
Scott King
The oppression of Jews still initially surprises me and I have to remind myself that is just simple evil. Satanic.

I think I've only bumped into real antisemitism once but that one time was a real shock.
01 November 2023, 23:22
Seems like the Zionists were certainly capable of ethnic cleansing. The very root of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:

Seems wrong to me to do to the Jewish people, and just as wrong for the Jewish people to do to others. 720,000 people is quite a few to displace from their homes.
01 November 2023, 23:38
Originally posted by DRG:

Discouraging, isn't it? We'll take them here.
I hope the lesson of the St Louis is remembered, and never again.


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
02 November 2023, 03:41
Scott King
Originally posted by skb:
Seems like the Zionists were certainly capable of ethnic cleansing. The very root of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:

Seems wrong to me to do to the Jewish people, and just as wrong for the Jewish people to do to others. 720,000 people is quite a few to displace from their homes.

Did you say, "hey, look over there!" or "since they do it I can do it too!"

It looks to me like the Israelites have been targeted since the beginning of time. Not the Lebanese or Egyptians, not the Germans or Rwandans, specifically Jews. Targeted.
02 November 2023, 04:15
Originally posted by skb:
Seems like the Zionists were certainly capable of ethnic cleansing. The very root of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:

Seems wrong to me to do to the Jewish people, and just as wrong for the Jewish people to do to others. 720,000 people is quite a few to displace from their homes.

Yes, exactly. No question the two groups are moral equivalents. Israel has never had the policy or religious decree to wipe out all Palestinians "from the river to the sea". Hamas does not hide those exact goals. Read their "Covenant" which is Hamas' founding document.

A couple points stated in their founding document:
1. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it has obliterated others before it.
2. Palestine is Islamic land. No one can renounce it or any part of it or abandon it or any part of it.

Clearly their goal is a two state solution.

One of Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad, just stated on TV in case you are interested in a more thoughtful analysis:

1. We will repeat October 7 again and again until Israel is annihilated.
2. Israel is a country that has no place on our land.
3. We must remove that country.
4. We are victims. everything we do is justified.

Clearly they are partners for peace and only want a reasonable two state solution.
Raping women, taking hostages, intentionally killing civilians to make a point. Plus the old slaughter their babies, that will scare them tactic.

No Arab country will willingly take any Palestinian. Might be a reason for that too.