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Whether you Like Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell, it is impossible for MAGA Misfits to argue, intelligently, with Rachel's statement regarding the problem being that we put a person like Trump in the White House to begin with; not that we've had to indict an ex-President.

We are in this regrettable situation because we allowed ourselves to be fooled in the first place. And yet, after all Trumps crimes have been discovered, he STILL continues to be the Godhead of the MAGA-run Republican Party! Trump's true believers need to make themselves a STUPID sign and hang it around their neck.

And how did Trump respond to the indictment....."Send Me Your Money".
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The sad part is his sycophants will do just that. Just another grift opportunity…. coffee

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP
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And of the dims are doing so wonderfully well in policing themselves rotflmo
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Well, Saeed it's no coincidence that Spiro Agnew, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump are all republicans.

We all know about Nixon and his pardon.


"Why did Agnew resign?
Reelected with Nixon in 1972, Agnew resigned on October 10, 1973, after the U.S. Justice Department uncovered widespread evidence of his political corruption, including allegations that his practice of accepting bribes had continued into his tenure as U.S. vice president."

"Did Spiro Agnew get pardoned?
Answer and Explanation: Spiro Agnew was never pardoned for his crimes. He paid back all the money he received (plus interest), paid a $10,000 fine for tax evasion, and was put on unsupervised probation for three years."
The Iran-Contra Affair of Ronald Reagan

Reagan accepted responsibility for the arms-for-hostages deal but denied any knowledge of the diversion. Although no evidence came to light to indicate that he was more deeply involved, many in Congress and the public remained skeptical.

Why Iran-Contra Proves We Were All Wrong to Think that Ronald Reagan Was Disengaged

After all, Reagan knew and was the driving force behind the Iran Contra Affair, but he had fall guys and plausible deniability.(enough at the time)'s_involvement

George H. W. Bush's involvement
On 27 July 1986, Israeli counterterrorism expert Amiram Nir briefed Vice President Bush in Jerusalem about the weapon sales to Iran.[122]

In an interview with The Washington Post in August 1987, Bush stated that he was denied information about the operation and did not know about the diversion of funds.[123] Bush said that he had not advised Reagan to reject the initiative because he had not heard strong objections to it.[123] The Post quoted him as stating, "We were not in the loop."[123] The following month, Bush recounted meeting Nir in his September 1987 autobiography Looking Forward, stating that he began to develop misgivings about the Iran initiative.[124] He wrote that he did not learn the full extent of the Iran dealings until he was briefed by Senator David Durenberger regarding a Senate inquiry into them.[124] Bush added the briefing with Durenberger left him with the feeling he had "been deliberately excluded from key meetings involving details of the Iran operation".[124]

In January 1988 during a live interview with Bush on CBS Evening News, Dan Rather told Bush that his unwillingness to speak about the scandal led "people to say 'either George Bush was irrelevant or he was ineffective, he set himself outside of the loop.'"[125] Bush replied, "May I explain what I mean by 'out of the loop'? No operational role."[125][126]

Although Bush publicly insisted that he knew little about the operation, his statements were contradicted by excerpts of his diary released by the White House in January 1993.[125][127] An entry dated 5 November 1986 stated: "On the news at this time is the question of the hostages... I'm one of the few people that know fully the details, and there is a lot of flak and misinformation out there. It is not a subject we can talk about..."

Bush also pardoned Caspar Weinberger, who had not yet come to trial.[129] Attorney General William P. Barr advised the President on these pardons, especially that of Caspar Weinberger.[130]

In response to these Bush pardons, Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh, who headed the investigation of Reagan administration officials' criminal conduct in the Iran–Contra scandal, stated that "the Iran–Contra cover-up, which has continued for more than six years, has now been completed." Walsh noted that in issuing the pardons Bush appears to have been preempting being implicated himself in the crimes of Iran–Contra by evidence that was to come to light during the Weinberger trial, and noted that there was a pattern of "deception and obstruction" by Bush, Weinberger and other senior Reagan administration officials.

Then there was Dick the Prick Cheney who had stakes in an active mercenary group.

And there is no doubt that Trump gets in the WH again there will be mass pardons of those who the rule of law has held accountable so far, perhaps even after his own conviction(s).

Can you imagine a convicted felon, multiple times, in office as POTUS?

Well, you can count on it that most Republicans can imagine just that.

Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".

Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam

D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.

Posts: 22862 | Location: Rural | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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"The Republican Party Has Lost The Ability To Police Itself"

BTW, the OP link to a video with excellent commentary and perspective is worthy of watching, IMO. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, start at about 5:00.

I think the heading of this thread should be "The Republican Party Has Lost its Soul."

That is the bequeathed soul given by Lincoln. This used to be called the party of Lincoln. Not anymore.

It's more like McCarthyism now, only worse.

Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".

Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam

D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.

Posts: 22862 | Location: Rural | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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