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Show me where that refutes Comey’s explanation not to recommend charges which he stated was based on the following: intent, cooperation, number of documents, and tyke of documents which were directing factors in controlling case law?

You keep saying what about HEC. You ignore that she was investigated. Her actions contributed to her loosing the White House. However, just like the Durham investigation found no criminality. There were not sufficient facts in question to support a conviction of HRC under controlling case law.

Of course, you can say Comey was lying and covered it up. Yet, you have no proof of that.
Posts: 13428 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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So I guess your position is that the Republicans are just incapable of conducting a thorough and accurate investigation? After all it was Team Trump that was in the driver’s seat for the Clinton investigation. Or could it be that they investigated the matter and simply concluded there was nothing there to prosecute? Again, sorry, but the grand, the fix is in for Republicans, conspiracy theory leaks like a colander.

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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by MJines:
So I guess your position is that the Republicans are just incapable of conducting a thorough and accurate investigation? After all it was Team Trump that was in the driver’s seat for the Clinton investigation. Or could it be that they investigated the matter and simply concluded there was nothing there to prosecute? Again, sorry, but the grand, the fix is in for Republicans, conspiracy theory leaks like a colander.

Now we are getting somewhere. They are not.

My view is this, Washington is corrupt, period. Both parties. They may come to washington for noble purposes, yet feeding at the public largess is just to much the aphrodisiac to pass up.

The Washington establishment is one beast. It has a left side and a right side, but it is one animal.

That beast survives on putting guys like you and I in separate camps. They need us to dislike one another, it keeps them all in power. I assure you, you and I have far more in common than that which divides us.

Formerly "Nganga"
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by MJines:
As much as I would have loved to see Hillary tried and convicted, the fact is that the State Department under Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo did two separate investigations and found in 2019 that there was "there was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information" and that Clinton bore no "individual culpability." Those investigations were under a Republican administration. Sorry I just do not see how the grand conspiracy theory holds up but I realize that at this point it may be the only thin reed the MAGAggots can hold on to.

Say Mike...Is it obstruction? Or does it depend on who did it?

Formerly "Nganga"
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No, HRC did not obstruct based on the information we know.

Refute Comey, and the Trump Administration with facts on the matter.
Posts: 13428 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
No, HRC did not obstruct based on the information we know.

Refute Comey, and the Trump Administration with facts on the matter.

Hahaha that ranks right up there with Mangina claiming Russia, Russia, Russia is still a thing!!!! rotflmo

The Trump administration didn’t go after her because all the RINO’s are a bunch of controlled opposition pussies, aka Uniparty pole smokers.
Posts: 358 | Location: USA | Registered: 09 June 2023Reply With Quote
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As they say in Law School, “Your statement is a conclusion and not argument.”

Put your facts on the table if you want to debate.

The Facts are the FBI recommended no charges based on a review of the facts and controlling case law, and two Trump appointed State Department Secretaries found no criminality.
Posts: 13428 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Steve, somewhere in your argument you posted a link to a NYT article about Podesta emails hack.

The link required a subscription to read. I have a subscription but didn't log in.

I got your point, and conclusion you were trying to make.

As I recall it was about the alt-narrative that Russian collusion with the Trump campaign was a hoax after all, just as Trump claimed.

Anyway, there is plenty of evidence of such collusion.

In March 2016, the personal Gmail account of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff and chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, was compromised in a data breach accomplished via a spear-phishing attack, and some of his emails, many of which were work-related, were hacked. Cybersecurity researchers as well as the United States government attributed responsibility for the breach to the Russian cyber spying group Fancy Bear, allegedly two units of a Russian military intelligence agency.[1]

Some or all of the Podesta emails were subsequently obtained by WikiLeaks, which published over 20,000 pages of emails, allegedly from Podesta, in October and November 2016.[2]


he Plot to Hack America: How Putin's Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election is a non-fiction book by Malcolm Nance about the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.


Clearly it was collusion.

Ever wonder why the Russian hackers and wikileaks didn't release stolen data from the Trump campaign?

Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".

Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam

D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.

Posts: 22832 | Location: Rural | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
As they say in Law School, “Your statement is a conclusion and not argument.”

Put your facts on the table if you want to debate.

The Facts are the FBI recommended no charges based on a review of the facts and controlling case law, and two Trump appointed State Department Secretaries found no criminality.

The facts are all around you, you just have to take off the blinders boy and “ debating “ a turd is a waste of time.

Hell, you clowns still think Russia is a thing!! rotflmo
Posts: 358 | Location: USA | Registered: 09 June 2023Reply With Quote
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Russia will always be a Thing.

It's just like Trumpism in that way.

Both could dissolve as entities, but the essence of their existence in time and space will reverberate through the universe until the end of time.

Evil works that way.

Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".

Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam

D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.

Posts: 22832 | Location: Rural | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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