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Lev Parnas..

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26 March 2024, 22:17
Lev Parnas..
Of course, the ‘true believers’ in Orange Jesus will know better.

“My mission for Giuliani and Trump would come to encompass nearly a year of traveling across the globe to find damaging information on the Bidens.

This included trips to Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Vienna, London, and other locations. The assignment led me to speak with several shady characters as well as public figures – sometimes with those two characterizations being one and the same. I communicated with oligarchs, billionaires, politicians, and presidents of different countries.

It became evident that Trump and Giuliani were running their own shadow diplomacy.
In my travels, I found precisely zero proof of the Bidens’ criminality. Instead, what I learned in that timeframe was the true nature of the conspiracy that the Kremlin was forcing through Russian, Ukrainian, American, and other channels to interfere in our elections.

Ultimately this was meant to benefit Trump’s re-election, which would in turn benefit Vladimir Putin”.