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Shout out for Greg Abbott

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12 April 2023, 00:42
Shout out for Greg Abbott
Originally posted by lavaca:
Neither do I, but I googled you and you don't come up. You may think you are famous, but apparently not. If you are in fact licensed to practice law in Texas send me a PM and I'd be happy to debate you on this topic. If you are not, you don't know what you are talking about and further debate would be a waste of time.

I found him in 30 seconds, and I’m not even American. He’s findable on the Texas State Bar site.
12 April 2023, 03:27
I have no idea the size and scope of the protest?
I do find it odd that there is no video.
Hell every millennial / gen Z with a cell phone has it on video non stop.
Video would settle the argument unless the video does not support their position..

I recall some government official in some state came out side his home with an AR in a BLM protest around his home. Think his wife brandished an arm as well.
Do not recall if they ever pointed it at someone BUT the MEDIA crucified them.
That was at their home.

12 April 2023, 03:52
Mike Mitchell
Originally posted by MJines:
Give Abbott his due . . . he blew the fringe right dog whistle and they came a running.


Oh, yeah. He understands his base. And, here they are.

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

12 April 2023, 05:21
So a guy points a gun at someone, then stands there and gets shot 5 times? Jesus Christ, is anything too stupid for you dumbasses to believe?

Add in a guy who posted on the internet that he wanted to retaliate against protesters, then drove his car into a crowd, and you have two dipshits who can’t get their heads out of their asses. You’re butthurt because someone failed to kiss police ass. Fuck you. They’re America’s largest criminal gang. I would never assault a cop, but if I saw one on fire, I wouldn’t piss on it.
12 April 2023, 05:30
Originally posted by eezridr:
I have no idea the size and scope of the protest?
I do find it odd that there is no video.
Hell every millennial / gen Z with a cell phone has it on video non stop.
Video would settle the argument unless the video does not support their position..

I recall some government official in some state came out side his home with an AR in a BLM protest around his home. Think his wife brandished an arm as well.
Do not recall if they ever pointed it at someone BUT the MEDIA crucified them.
That was at their home.


A pair of lawyers, but typical republican reaction. “Waaaaaa. I’m a victim (pointing guns at unarmed protesters”). Did the big, bad media make them plead guilty?
12 April 2023, 06:41
As Mike Mitchell and Mike Jines have pointed out, I did not hear the evidence presented to the grand jury or at trial. I think our main difference of opinion is that they apparently still believe in the system as I used to. But with a biased prosecutor and a Travis County jury, I have little faith in the results. Jury verdicts have become increasingly ridiculous of late, but this is a case that looks to me at least should never have been charged.
12 April 2023, 06:50
While I support the Second Amendment, as well as the First, I think it is stupid to try to exercise both rights at the same time as that is likely, and did in this case, going to get somebody shot. And I don't want to be on either end of that situation.

Nor do I agree with Texas' open carry and unlicensed carry laws. I do not believe that is required by the Second Amendment and is just asking for trouble, as this case demonstrates.
12 April 2023, 07:04
Scott King
The OJ Simpson murder trial was a jury of his peers, a duly appointed judge with adequate legal defense and a competent D.A.

In the end, rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo
12 April 2023, 07:07
Do you think that was the correct verdict? If you do, I've got this bridge across the East River ...
12 April 2023, 07:10
Scott, just realized your point and we agree.
12 April 2023, 07:14
Originally posted by Scott King:
The OJ Simpson murder trial was a jury of his peers, a duly appointed judge with adequate legal defense and a competent D.A.

In the end, rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo


The American LEGAL SYSTEN WON! clap

Same as awarding millions to some stupid idiot who pours hot coffee on himself! jumping
Instagram : ganyana2000
12 April 2023, 07:32
I am inclined to agree.
Not a lot different than a gang war letting tempers and weapons escalate your differences on public streets.

Originally posted by lavaca:
While I support the Second Amendment, as well as the First, I think it is stupid to try to exercise both rights at the same time as that is likely, and did in this case, going to get somebody shot. And I don't want to be on either end of that situation.

Nor do I agree with Texas' open carry and unlicensed carry laws. I do not believe that is required by the Second Amendment and is just asking for trouble, as this case demonstrates.

12 April 2023, 07:38
Originally posted by lavaca:
Nor do I agree with Texas' open carry and unlicensed carry laws. I do not believe that is required by the Second Amendment and is just asking for trouble, as this case demonstrates.


12 April 2023, 08:53
Scott King
Originally posted by lavaca:
Scott, just realized your point and we agree.

I was in a cafe in the Embarcadero Center, downtown San Francisco when the verdict was read over a radio that's volume was turned up for all to hear.

The reaction was divided in social lines between cafe staff and patrons. The staff cheered, the patrons booed. I was struck.

Since that morning things have gotten worse, not better. My faith in the justice system is the faith in its fallibility and so as I've said other where and it should seem obvious, keep the gov and lawyers out of your life if at all possible. Stay off the radar, go off grid, keep your head down.

I wouldn't know if OJ is guilty or not, but it seems apparent the entire courtroom didn't either. Best to simply avoid.
12 April 2023, 09:25
Nor do I agree with Texas' open carry and unlicensed carry laws. I do not believe that is required by the Second Amendment a

exactly how do you square that to the right to keep and bear arms?

primarily for self defense -

not merely for defense of our neighbors and fellow countrymen

12 April 2023, 15:46
My faith in the justice system is the faith in its fallibility and so as I've said other where and it should seem obvious, keep the gov and lawyers out of your life if at all possible. Stay off the radar, go off grid, keep your head down.

Exactly that^^^.

And some of the best advice you could give a young person.

I am not bothered by nor do I participate in open carry. And, in Texas, I rarely see it. Its a little more common in OK. I keep my CHL/LTC up to date regardless. If I go into inner city, I carry. I don’t carry on person that much everyday — rarely.

Guns don’t bother me. I am libertarian by heart and more freedom and less law the better for me.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
12 April 2023, 18:46
Originally posted by ledvm:
I am libertarian by heart and more freedom and less law the better for me.

. . . except when it comes to telling women what they can do with their bodies, restricting the books schools are allowed keep, teaching children about classic art, etc.
